Chapter 10-Ellington

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We all got up the next morning and got ready to leave. I took the longest, trying to keep myself further and further away from seeing her again. It felt wrong, like I was violating her space. Rydel finally yelled at me through the door to get out, so I did. I was tired of people yelling.

We were all stressed, nervous about seeing her. When we finally met up with Lauren, we were all on the verge of anxiety attacks. We'd never been a part of a serious accident and visited the person. It was all new. I, for one, felt stupid about visiting her in the first place. I certainly didn't want to go back and relive it.

When Rydel saw Lauren, they basically attacked each other in front of the hospital. The Lynch boys looked at each other in confusion and shrugged. The girls got a head start while we lagged behind. Riker and I were in the very back.

"Are you nervous?" He asked quietly.

"Of course. What about you?"

"Hell yes I'm nervous. I don't even know this girl!" He exclaimed.

"You just explained my feelings." I laughed nervously.

"Does she look... Scary? Like she did when you first saw her?" He asked.

"No, she's cleaned up, but she has a lot of scratches and bruises."

"Well that's good. Are you going in alone?" He asked.

"Well I didn't really wanna go with the girls, but Ross and Rocky don't know anything. I don't know." I admitted.

"I'll go.. But only if you want me to."

"That would be great. Thanks man."

We were silent until it was our turn to go in. Riker made me walk in first, he was just as uncomfortable about the situation as I was.

She looked a lot better than before. Some of her scratches were cleared, and bruises lighter. She also seemed more alert. Every once in a while, her finger would move slightly, but she was still stuck in her "sleep". The doctor came in to give us an update.

"We are so shocked, but grateful that she is doing this well. She should've died. I already had myself prepared to tell her family, but then she started improving and it's been getting better, but that certainly doesn't mean that she will confit to do good, she could get worse in her state and end up dying, but we are trying our absolute best to keep that from happening." He said.

Riker and I nodded the entire time. We didn't really want to say anything. It felt.. Intrusive, almost. When the doctor left, Riker walked up to her, much to my surprise, and touched the top of her hand.

"Hey, they must moisturize her hands. They're really soft!" He joked.

I laughed and took her other hand.

"Hey, you're right!" I teased.

All of the sudden I felt her barely squeeze my hand. I pulled my hand back quickly and looked up at Riker.

"Did she just squeeze your hand too?!" I asked.

"What? No! Did she really squeeze your hand?!"


We stared at each other wide eyed. This obviously meant improvement, but it felt wrong.

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