Chapter 8- Ellington

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Despite the sudden confusion in the room, the doctor continued to speak as if he hadn't noticed.

"Natalie is going to be okay, we think. Right now she is in a coma, unconscious to the world. It's likely that she'll wake up with amnesia." He said grimly.

"Wait... So she may not remember me?!?" Issac asked with tears in his eyes.

Well that couldn't be right, if she was his sister, then she would surly remember him. They grew up together, right? Unless.... He's her boyfriend. Oh shit, I may have just walked into a screwed up situation. I thought.

Her parents comforted Issac, telling him that he was so important to her, she would never forget him. He started to explain how they had fought that day and he felt like it was all his fault. I couldn't handle the stress anymore so I looked at the doctor and voiced the question on everyone's mind.

"So, when can we see her?" I blurted out quickly.

"Only a couple of people at a time can walk in tonight, and only for 5 minutes. We think that it would be good to hear voices from the ones she loves. It might wake her. I'll give you a few minutes to prepare yourselves and figure out who is going in first."

As soon as he left, Issac turned to me with a confused look.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked.

"My name is Ellington Ratliff." I said quietly.

"Why are you here?"

"That's a good question that I still don't know the answer to myself. I was on the bus."

"YOU DID THIS TO HER!" He yelled as he jumped up, ready to punch me in the face. Natalie's dad grabbed him quickly before he could do anything.

"I know that you're her family and you probably blame me but I promise I'm only here with good intentions. I know you're confused, I am too, but there is something about the way she looked that makes me want to see her through this. I threw up when I saw her. I felt the instant need to protect her. You know, like that Werewolf in Twilight!"

"That's stupid as hell." Issac said bitterly.

"Sorry, Rydel makes me watch movies with her. I guess it was the only way I could explain it."

"Who is Rydel? Does she know about this?" Natalie's mom asked.

"Yes, she was on the tour bus too." I confessed.

Everything went silent. Everyone, even myself was trying to process all of this information. We eventually agreed that her parents should go first, then Issac, then myself. Issac was not fond of the idea of me getting to see her alone, but he wanted to be alone with her. I was shocked that her parents seemed cool about letting me see her, I assumed that they probably wanted to pump me for any information I had. I'd be glad to give it, but not tonight.

Her parents were called out, leaving Issac and I alone.

"So, you're her boyfriend?" I asked.

"No... But I really like her. I don't even know why we fought. It was stupid." He said with tears in his eyes.

"She will pull through. She has three people who love her more than anything else in the world. She has to pull through." I said softly.

"You know, you're not bad." Issac confessed.

"You aren't either."

Issac left, and before I knew it, it was my turn. I walked into the room not knowing what to expect, and questioning why I had even come in the first place.

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