"Wait let me do it." I said to Luke as I grabbed his arm to move him back some. "And what do you mean it makes sense?" The minute Luke was out of the stable I noticed Princess started to stop buckling and settled down. I almost walked over to her, but something inside of me said I should let her come to me. So I waited, I didn't have to wait long because she came over to me within seconds. I started to pat her head.

"That's what I mean. Look at the way she responds to you. At first I couldn't understand why she was so attached to you, but then it came to me. You and her are just like each other." I stopped patting Princess to look over at Luke.

"What do you mean by that?" I said to him as I lead Princess out of the stable. She didn't struggle, in fact she walked right beside me, so I let go of her ropes.

"Your probably shouldn't do that." Luke said with fear in his voice.

"That's why she doesn't trust you guys, you don't trust her. Look at her, she doesn't look like she is gonna run off, now does she?" He looked over at me, then Princess. I knew he wanted to say something else about it, but he shut his mouth instead. "So, how are we alike exactly?" I asked.

"Your guys are both so guarded and don't trust easily. Yet you trust each other. You both are mysterious and interesting in more ways then one. Not only that but your both beautiful." He said to me with a wink. As we walked outside I saw that everyone's eyes where on me and Princess.

I could tell that they had never seen her act like she was acting at the moment. I brought her over to a spot that was right in the sun and sat down. Luke looked at me like I was crazy, sitting so close to an animal that could kill me in seconds with the way she was towering over me.

It didn't take long for her to follow suit and lay down right next to me. I looked around to see everyone had stopped working and they were staring at us intensely. "Luke could you grab me one of the brushes you guys use?" I asked him as I started to pat Princess. He nodded and walked back to the barn.

It didn't take long for him to return to us. I took the brush from him and started to brush Princess . At first she seemed apprehensive, but after a minute she settled down and just let me brush her. You could tell she hadn't been brushed in a while. Probably because she never let anyone get close enough to brush her.

"I honestly don't believe it. I don't think I would believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes," I heard my grandmother say from in front of me. I looked up to see my grandmother and aunt looking at me with astonishment.

"I know what you mean mom. It's unfreakingbelievable. I mean just that she's this calm is scary. But the fact that she is letting Danielle brush he is insane. I'm beyond jealous." My aunt commented.

I just smiled up at the both of them. It really did feel good to be liked by someone. Even if it was only a horse. "Yeah she's an angel honestly."

I heard my aunt chuckle. "Oh Hun she's more like a devil. Well at least with the rest of us she is. But I am happy she has you as a friend." My aunt said with a a smile. "Oh and Luke, we're sorry we didn't believe you when you said she was this good with Danielle. But it is kind of unbelievable" She said as she gave him a side hug.

He chuckled as he hugged her back. "It's all good Lisa. I knew you and Glenda (Danielle's grandmother) wouldn't believe it, until you seen it with your own eyes. I've seen it and I still don't believe it."

We all chuckled at his little joke. I felt something heavy land in my lap. I looked down to see Princess's head in my lap. She looked like she was ready to fall asleep. So I just sat there and relaxed.

"Well we'll leave you guys to it. I have some house things to attend to, and Lisa has to go into town." My grandmother said to us as she and my aunt gave a small wave and walked away. Luke stayed though, he just looked over and me and Princess.

I will never be loved! (BWWM) [#wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now