Chapter 10

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I love u. Anyways enjoy~


Taehyung got in his car, slamming the door behind him. He lift his eyebrows at younger, who was on the passengers seat, besides him.

"Why didn't you change that shirt?", Taehyung asked and settled on his seat.

"I don't have extra shirt", Jeongguk replied while toying with his fingers.

Taehyung nodded his head, though Jeongguk could see him as he was looking down at his lap. 

Taehyung leaned back and starts to rummaging around in the back seat. He took out of his shirt from back seat, out of nowhere and threw it on Jungkook's lap.

"Now change it", Taehyung stated while fixing his rolex watch over his wrist. Jeongguk glance at him, weirdly.

"What? Do it quick", Taehyung stared back at Jeongguk.

"I've to change in this car, um in front of you?" Jeongguk asked in disbelief. 

It's not like he's self-conscious about his body because he knows that he has nice body with puffy ass, thick thighs and delicious abs. But he was too shy to changing in front of others.

"Yes", Taehyung said as he was excited internally.

"C'mon make it quick! We don't have the whole day", Taehyung said again, growing a little bit impatient.

Jeongguk gulped first, then started to unbuttoning his own shirt. Taehyung's grip on steering tightened when his eyes takes a glimpse of Jeongguk's pale-white chest through the rear-view mirror.

Taehyung unconsciously move his head towards Jeongguk, who was struggling with Taehyung's shirt. When Jeongguk felt someone's gaze on him, he moved his head towards Taehyung, who was already staring at him.

Jeongguk's breath hitched, when Taehyung started to helping him wearing the shirt. Jeongguk's face was few inches away from Taehyung, who has his focus on buttoning the shirt.

Jeongguk started to studying Taehyung's face closely, he has a mono and a double eyelid, that's hawtt, brown hazel eyes that were fixed on the shirt, thick eyebrows which were furrowed and his lips they look—

"You can't even wear a shirt properly", Taehyung exclaimed, and shakes his head in disbelief.

"Though, you'd look more exquisite without it", Taehyung added, shrugging his shoulder a little bit.

"Thank you-" Jeongguk paused when he realised what his boss meant by saying that. He give a death glare towards his boss.

"YOU PERV!!!!", Jeongguk screamed.

Taehyung chuckles at the boy before driving to their office. In the whole journey Jeongguk give him long-ass lecture about not to make those dirty comments.


Taehyung ignored his beautiful existence in the car and concentrate on his driving.


Next Day

Taehyung has a frown on his handsome face while staring at the window of his office. He sipped his black coffee with one hand while another one was inside in his pant's pocket.

Tears of dark clouds were falling on the mother land, earth. Rain was pouring against the window of office. 

Taehyung glance up at the clock.

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