You make me live in a living hell. You should as well live in this hell with me.

He thought. Right after that, Dean made his way out of the room to find Leo and Ivan were sitting behind their work desk next to his secretary. "Give me the lawyer's number." He demanded shortly as he raised his phone up in the air for his two men.

His secretary and both bodyguards stood up abruptly to show respect. Ivan made his way to his boss to take the phone and dialed in the lawyer's phone number. "What are you going to do with him, boss?" Ivan asked.

Dean shot him a look caused him to go back to his seat quickly. Dean went back into his office and then called the lawyer's number. As soon as the lawyer answered, he said in a cold tone of voice, "How is everything with Richard Chu?" 

The other end heard Dean's voice before he replied, "Mr. Winchester? Umm... I just knew that his family is attending an upcoming charity event."

"I know that," Dean replied shortly as he dropped himself into his chair behind his desk.

The lawyer continued with his usual weak stuttering voice, "Uh... Oh yes. When I went to meet one of my clients, in front of The Raven group casino, I've encountered Mr. Chu there."

A smirk appeared on Dean's lips. That bastard knew my father, which could be the reason why he doesn't gamble in The Cobra casino. What should I do to bring him over?  

Dean's serious voice began again, "Could you check up to see if he has any debt? I would like to help him financially someday." 

"Yes, sir! I will get back to you as soon as I find out." The lawyer replied before Dean tossed his phone onto his desk as an idea popped up in his head. He closed his eyes slowly at the same time he leaned back against the chair to think.

As soon as Dean arrived at the charity auction event with Bowen Winchester, his eyes wasted no time to search for Giselle. He sat in a round table and took a sip of his red wine when Riza came to sit next to him without permission.

"Dean, I am in need of a model. Could you please be my model for this upcoming collection of mine?" Riza Angelo asked as she looks at the man next to her without a blink.

He ignored her as he turned his gaze to look at the stage.

She glared at him piercingly before she grabbed his arm. "Dean," She whined and pouted at him when he glanced at her briefly. "Please, I will pay you anything back in return."

Withdrawing his arm from hers, he stood up in irritation and said in an annoyed tone, "Riza, stop doing this. Give it a rest, will you?" He shrugged his shoulder then turned to walk away.

The auction was starting in twenty minutes, but Dean made his way out of the event room anyway. When he was crossing a silent lounge area, he saw the guy who hurt him once at the nightclub. He was talking to a familiar girl in an irritation tone of voice. 

At first, Dean was going to ignore it. As he recalled the fact that the man, who was being overprotective of Giselle the last time they had met, was now with another woman, caught his attention.

His eyes stared at both of them in the middle of the empty lounge area. "Luna, listen to me okay? There is nothing between us. That night in California was an accident for both of us. You know how much I love Giselle. I can't stop my feeling that I have for her."

Dean tilted his head to get a better view before he noticed the girl's sad expression. She tried to put up a fake smile and replied to the man in front of her. "It's okay, Vincent. We can just think it was a nightmare for both of us." She avoided his gaze and then continued in a weak voice. "We should head back inside now before our director caught us missing."

The two made their way back inside the room leaving Dean stood still.

He felt a bit guilty for overheard their conversation. After that, he went to the bathroom before he heads back to the event room. 

His eyes spotted Stefano Angelo, who was talking to a man that Dean had never met. Next to that old stranger man, stood a girl he once knew. A smile crept upon his lips as his legs started to make their way towards them. 

Dean's voice began from behind Stef. "Hello, Mr. Angelo. I've been searching for you." His wicked voice drew Giselle's attention. He glanced at her but pretended to not notice. 

Stefano turned around and smiled widely, as he shook Dean's hand. "Hello, Dean. I was talking to your father earlier, but I didn't know that you would come too." Dean's eyes transferred to look at the strange man near them. Stef noticed before he starts introducing. "Dean, this is Mr. Richard Chu. He is the chief of the police. Mr. Chu, this is Mr. Dean Winchester. He is my business partner's son from The Cobra group."

Richard Chu sent the young man in front of him a deadly glare. Dean's lips curved into an evil smile as he raised his hand in the air and said, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Chu."

Richard shook the hand roughly and replied in an icy tone of voice. "Same here, Mr. Dean Winchester."

Dean's eyes traveled to look at Giselle. Immediately, Richard turned around to look at his wife and his two daughters. He sighed in frustration. He didn't want the Winchesters to get to know his family. He was afraid that they would hurt his family.

He didn't want to be rude to Dean either so he continued on introducing, "This is my wife, Lin Chu. This is my two daughters. The youngest one here is Demi Chu, and the oldest one is-"

Dean cuts in as he said, "Giselle Chu." 

Richard clenched his teeth and showed a dislike expression. The image of the Winchester and his daughter, danced together were still lingering around in his mind, which caused him to feel pissed off even more.

Dean shoved both of his hands in his pants' pockets and greeted with the same cold smile. "Nice to meet everyone, and glad to see you again, Ms. Giselle Chu." His eyes scanned their faces. Everyone was smiling, but that nurse. 

Look at me, woman. He thought in annoyance when Giselle didn't make eye contact with him.

Richard suddenly stepped in to block Dean's view. "Excuse us, Mr. Dean Winchester, and Mr. Stefano Angelo. I would like to take my family to find our seats." 

Angelo and Winchester nodded their head in approval. Dean wasted no time to excuse himself from Stef too. He followed behind the Chu's family to his table. 

As he settled down in his chair, his eyes held onto Giselle, who was sitting in the table across from him. 

This is like a deja vu. I can't stop looking at her, no matter how much she made me dislike her. Dean thought while his eyes were staring at their direction without a blink.

Suddenly, Bowen's voice interrupted his silence. "I saw you were talking with Richard Chu earlier. Whatever you're planning, it's better to be fast. I will watch you from afar, Dean."

Clenched his teeth in bitterness, Dean grabbed the red wine glass up to gulp down the cool red liquid. The burning liquid ran down in his throat. His gaze turned sharp whenever they looked at Giselle's direction.

We will see...

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