I let my British accent slip. This is too shocking for me to care about my accent slipping infront of my friends. I mean, he finally got the balls to confess to her? Little Ollie is growing up! I wiped a single tear and blew my nose in the tissue I magically had on my hand. I looked at Mom and she was congratulating him and telling him that he finally grew up. Oliver was only laughing nervously and tried comforting Mom. I looked around and saw my friends looking at us amused (Luka) and confused (Kaito, Miku, and Rin), I almost forgot about them. Almost.

Oliver went near me with an exhausted look and looked at me and the tissue I had on my hand.

"What ta 'ell? You were cryin' too? Is it really that surprising?!" He demanded exasperatedly

I just laughed at him, giving a comforting pat at his back. He dropped the accent. I told him to speak Japanese since he's in Japan and not at London right now. After a few minutes, he started crying and telling me he already misses his girlfriend. This went on for a good few minutes until I smacked him back to his senses. Luka was giggling while the others were totally confused on what was happening. All this time we were still speaking in the Queen's Language, I'm not surprised that Luka could understand what we were talking about. She came from a rich family after all.

"Uh...Len, Can you...um...introduce us...?" Kaito asked carefully.

Finally realizing that I haven't introduced them yet, I stood up, pulling Oliver with me. I cleared my throat and smiled.

"Everyone meet Oliver, Oliver meet everyone" I dead-panned

Luka laughed at my introduction and smiled at him "Hello Oliver, My name is Megurine Luka" she introduced herself. She extended her hand towards him and Oliver shook on it.

She then turned towards our gaping friends and introduced them on their behalf "The blue-haired baby is Kaito Shion, next to him is Hatsune Miku and the cute loli is Kagami Rin"

Rin snapped out of her gapping and shrieked at Luka "Who are you calling a loli?!"

Her voice went higher than ever. I winced, rubbing my poor ears. Is she trying to make me deaf? How high can her voice get? I glared at her. She noticed me glaring and glared back with the same intensity.

"What the hell are you glaring for?" Rin hissed at me

"You almost broke my damn ear with your shriek" I growled back at her

We were both glaring daggers at one another and sparks of lighting in the background. I could faintly hear Oliver say 'Are they always like this?' and Luka telling him 'Yes' before sighing.

"Stop fighting you two" Kaito tried breaking the fight.

Our glares redirected towards Kaito. We both growled at him "Shut the hell up Kaito,We'll skin you alive!"

Kaito backed away slowly before going to mom and cry. Oliver laughed good naturedly and began talking to Luka about what Japan is like and what's so great about Crypton University. He has to work on he's Japanese, because it's full of Japanese people there.

"So Lenny, why don't you tour Ollie-chan around town to make it more familiar with him?" Mom said coming out of the kitchen, wiping her hands.

Everyone and I mean everyone looked at me in anticipation. I'm being over whelmed by all of these people. I sighed in defeat.

"Fine, you guys win. Come on Oliver, I'll show you around town"

He whooped and followed me turning back to look at mom "Cheerio Auntie!" and we left. I turned back around and saw the others just standing, looking at us. I sighed but couldn't help but smile.

"What are you guys waiting for? Let's go!"

They looked at each other and ran up to catch with us. I think I'm changing...


A/N: Yeah, I dunno anymore...

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