•Chapter 8•

Beginne am Anfang

"Yea I have one"Phil replied

"And that is,"Ukraine said

"Well if this building is not a school then what is this for?"Phil asked

"Oh this building, I forgot to tell you that.
Well...this is where they actually lived"Ukraine said

"Wait really?! In this very huge
maze-like building?!"Phil said in shock again

"Yea but the history said they lived their before they disappeared..."She said her voice fading away

"Oh okay.."Phil said the same way as Ukraine said

"Well they just disappeared and never came back at the time that they went somewhere...unknown"Ukraine said in a fading voice

"Well that's all I could say,"Ukraine said with a smile

"Oh okay,"Phil said with a smile too

"Well if u wanna find out some more of that stuff u can find that at the library"
Ukraine said

"Oh okay then,"Phil said with a smile

"Well we gotta go for the next class if we don't wanna be late then"Ukraine changed the topic

"Oh! Then what class are u in?"Phil asked suddenly

"Well mine is Science"Ukraine said

"Mine is history,"Phil said

"Well there can be a chance that the lesson can be the history about this building!"Ukraine said

"I hope, I really wanna get more information about that!,"Phil said excitingly

"Well see u at class then!"Phil said running already

"( ;∀;)"Ukraine just showed an expression

[Philippine's POV]
[Time skip]
At Class

"Okay Class today we are gonna learn the history about this school"the teacher said

Yes now I can truly now the history about that!

5 minutes later of teaching the lesson

"Okay Class so we may continue this on monday now pack your stuff and Class dissmissed"The teacher announced

Aww now I have to wait until monday but atleast I can have fun now

[Time skip]
At their dorm

"Yes finally School day is done,"South Korea said in happiness

"Now what are we gonna do now then"Mexico said

"Well what about let's play at the gaming room then!"Belarus said

"You know I'm not good at playing,"
South Korea said sighing

"Well your good at acting tho"Vietnam said

"What about let's play charades then!"I said what just came to my mind

"Oh yeah that would be great!"Belarus said

"Well who's first then?"Israel asked

"Well Rock Paper Scissors to find out then"Belarus said

[Third Pearson's POV]
[2 minutes later]

"Oh Singapore u'll have to go first and the phone will decide what u will act"
Belarus said

"Okay,"Singapore said as he looks at Belarus's phone on what he will act and started acting

"Monkey?"Belarus said

"Lion king?"Israel said

"I don't know what he is doing,"Mexico said in struggle

"Tarzan?"Phili said as others started to laugh

"This is gonna be tricky heh,"Belarus said

"This is so tiring ugh," Singapore mumbled

"Well, are u trying to do Harry Potter?"
South asked as his answer

"Yes, now finally,"Singapore said tiredly from all acting

"Now second one is Israel"Phil said

"Now let's see what the phone will decide for me"Israel said and started acting

"A duck?"Belarus said

"U always say animals as your answer Belarus"Vietnam said

"My little pony?"Phili said

"That's right,"Israel said and they laughed

"Now next is Phili"South said

"Okay,"Phil said sighed and she checked at the phone and started acting

"Cinderella"all of them said at first try

"That's right and I'm getting tired now,"
Phili said tiredly

"I'm out"Singapore as Phil and him started to go to bed and sleep

•To be continued•

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