Chapter Eight

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The One That Got Away

Harley Rowan Moore


[September 29, 2018 - Saturday]

10:00 AM

Saturday morning. A weekend. Free from school works where you can relax from the toxic environment of the school or what children these days call "Hell". A day where you can just sleep in or turn yourself into a sloth and just stay in your bed doing nothing all day.

But today's Saturday of mine is a little bit different. Nope. Not just a little bit. It is where I would say that this Saturday of mine is the worst Saturday of my life. Don't believe me? Well then, sit down kids, and let me tell you a story. The story of Harley Rowan Moore and his gloomy Saturday life.

As all of you know that yesterday, Oh Sweet Friday! I got bullied and punched by Draco 'The Big Mean Bully' himself right into my nose and my lips. And now it has bruises and my lips are busted.

Therron, the sweet, caring, handsome, Oh-SO-Perfect boy, rescued me and punched Draco right in his nose. And oh boy! Isn't it so hot! Like a prince charming, rescuing his princess, but in our case, it's me he is rescuing. Not a princess, but a unicorn. Let's just put it that way.

So yeah, I got punched by Draco, rescued by my Hunky-Hero, and also let's not forget Leo for also defending me and him giving Draco a little taste of the 'Mess-With-Him-And-I'll-Kill-You' punch and it is so satisfying! I know we should not resort to violence and I'm also not a violent person myself, but come on! You're also agreeing with me, right?

So, Therron treated my wounds and the rest of the day went well after what happened. No one dares to whisper behind my back or tried to bully me and all of the other stuff until the school day ends and went home like the normal days.

But, oooh boy! I must say that going home with a bruise and a busted lip ends up with my mom nagging at me nonstop. Asking me questions about who did this to me. The reason why he resorted to punching me and not just talking about it like grown-ups would.

That I should defend myself and report the person who did this to me to the principal or that I should have called her and she will see to it that the bully will regret his decision on punching his beautiful son. Nope, I'm not the one who said that 'beautiful' word my mom did.

So maybe you are now wondering. Harley, why is your Saturday gloomy? Just tell us already! We already know what happened to you. Well, hold your horses because here it is. You guys are ready now? Okay, here we go.

My mom still keeps nagging at me about what happened yesterday right now at 10 AM in the supermarket in front of the crowd some of the people are staring at us like we're some kind of animals that need to be caged or something. What's worse is if it feels like we're naked that's why they're looking at us.

"Rowan? Are you even listening to me?!" She snapped, whilst choosing vegetables to buy.

Here we go again. How many times did I hear this line of hers? The line with my second name as the starter when she wants to get her point through this thick brain of mine.

"Yes, mom. I'm listening." I responded politely. 

"You should know how to fight my son! It doesn't matter if it's physical or verbally, as long you know how to defend yourself." She declared. I thought you don't tolerate people who are violent to the other people that's why you divorced our buffoon father.

"I am not always there for you to defend you and to rescue you! I didn't raise you to be just a punching bag, my son." Heavens, when will she stop?! I know she is my mother and all but this is too much now!

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