Chapter Three

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Found You

Therron Yvon Langlois


[September 11, 2018 - Tuesday]

5:00 PM

After asking and almost begging my parents to let me study abroad is already hard, but asking them to let me study specifically in a school in Texas, took me almost a month. A freaking month!

A month of pestering them non-stop on why I wanted to study in this particular school and what benefits it would give me. In the end, they allowed me and thanking all the gods and goddesses that they didn't question me further.

The reason why I wanted to study in this particular school is I've been having the same dream over and over again for the past couple of months. It only started every other two days, then every other night, until it turns to have the dream every night.

Running and chasing a boy, then ended up helping him. At first, I don't really care about this dream of mine. I think it's just my mind playing tricks with me, just like any of my dreams which are totally nonsense.

But when I finally saw his face, it made me restless.

Short-fine curly, blonde hair that hangs over perfectly to his angelic face, so fair, flawless, and probably soft to touch. He has this sweet and innocent feel about him.

Small-button nose, the will make him resemble a cute bunny when crunched. Luscious, full lips that beg to be kissed. Rosy cheeks painted to perfectly with freckles and a beautiful doe-like honey hazel eyes, that holds the universe. My universe.

Just thinking about him makes my heart starts to beat faster than normal, and butterfly fluttering in my stomach. I don't even know why and the last time I check, I am straight as a stick!

Maybe I am just gay for him, and you can't blame me!

Ever since his face been engraved in my memory, I started searching for him online and even hired an artist to draw his portrait. Call me crazy, but I'm really desperate to find him to the point I spend all night searching for him.

My parents also been asking about me who is the boy in the portrait, and let me tell you I don't want to share him with my parents or to anyone, yet. So I just lied and told them that it is for my project in school. To draw an angel.

Angel. Yes, that's what I call him. My angel. Mon ange.

And don't start an argument on this one, because oh boy when you guys see him, he is an exact epitome of an angel sent from heaven or should I say by the God himself for me.

With so much desperation, I secretly hired an investigator to help me find him faster. And boy I'm telling you, making this decision is brilliant! Within just a week, he already found my angel. My Harley.

Harley. Just saying his name, makes me smile like a creeper and I love how his name roll-out from my tongue.

He is originally from Michigan, United States then he and his family moved to Dallas, Texas with unknown reasons when he is in his second year in middle school. He is now 17 years old, the same age as mine, and born on the 20th of December.

He has two siblings who are younger than him. His younger brother Caleb is now in the second year in middle school while his younger sister Savannah is in grade school.

Their mother is an attorney-at-law and owns a small law firm in Dallas and a cowboy-themed restaurant in Fort Worth. Harley's mother and father are divorced and base on the data gathered by my investigator, Harley's father's whereabouts are unknown.

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