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Warning: Contains explicit description of abuse, swearing, homophobia and derogatory language, smoking, drugs, blood, trigger warning, 1021, Irregular updates, sorry I will try my best please just keep commenting if I forget :) Enjoyyyy, sorry its taken over 4 months 29/04/2020


Lucien Pov:

I woke up to the smaller boy cuddling into my side, I held him close to me and played with his hair until he woke up. I knew today was going to be a rough day and things weren't going to be easy but it would be important to actually talk about what going on, make sure he gets it off his chest and I can see what I can do from there. he began to stir so I held him tighter and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead. I don't know why or what came over me but it just felt needed. once he was awake we both sat up

"Ernie take your top off"


"No no no I'm just worried about your cuts, I need to change your dressing" With that he took his top off, there was less blood, I was so grateful I dealt with that last night I removed the old dressing and saw the cuts and bruises. I stood in shock for a solid minute, they were so deep, worse than anything I've had to deal with before, his font was covered in bruises with the odd lash and his back had at least 20 deep cuts in his back.

"Ernie I'm doing to have to wipe down these cuts and it's going to hurt like hell I'm not going to lie, but we can smoke after and do anything you want, I'll make it up to you" and with that, I wiped the cuts as fast as I could, there were so many to over so I knew it wouldn't be quick but I tried to be as quick as possible. I then put a fresh dressing on them to help them to heal a little quicker and to prevent infecting. I then gave him one of my baggy t-shirts from one of the local bands I've seen play at the coffee shop.

I sat him down and looked him dead in the eye.

"Ernest, I know its probably so hard. but can you please tell me what happened. you can stay here as long as you like and I will do anything to help you but I need to know what happened. I care about you"

Ernest starts of calm

"Hugo and I got in a fight because..." he began to trail off as if he was hiding something, something even I didn't know

"Because I'm gay" I know it was a serious situation but I couldn't be happier, I loved Ernest with all my heart...maybe more than just a friend and I was so proud he was coming out and being able to be himself. Suddenly a wave of anger rushed over me, What did Hugo do?!

Flashback Ernest POV

"Ernest what the fuck have you been doing in here I can smell the fucking weed from 3 blocks down. I've told you I don't want that stuff in my house. "

"I know and I'm sorry I've just been really stressed and I've been trying to find the words to say it and I didn't know how and I was stressing more because I was tired of keeping it in and-"

"Ernest shut up. I don't want to hear your mindless rambling. I already know you're a deadbeat stoner. I already know you're a smoker, you might as well be an alcoholic, your failing school but I wondering fucking why what could you be so afraid to tell me?!"

"DAD IM GAY" I couldn't help but scream it, I was sick of all the belittling and bullying and the abuse. maybe if I was truly myself I wouldn't be trying to escape reality. He just stood there still, no expression on his face, not saying a word. he just stood there

"I AN NOT HAVING A DISGUSTING DIRTY FAGGOT LIVING IN MY HOUSE. NO PUFF WILL LIVE UNDER MY ROOF" and with that I watched his fist come hurtling towards my face. I was knocked to the ground clutching my eye as he began to kick repeatedly in the stomach. I picked up the empty vodka bottle and went to throw it at him of course with a new black eye my aim was off, he was it coming and caught it before it could be any damaged.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE" he screamed whilst smashing the bottle against the ground. this was it, it was my time to go, I don't know where I'd go but as long as it wasn't here and I wasn't covered in bruises.

"IM GOING" I screamed back standing up and throwing everything into a trash bag

"if you don't want me that's fine ill find someone else who will" Hugo froze in his spot and then came towering above me. he shoved me in a fit of rage

"NO ONE WILL EVER EXCEPT A DIRTY BATTY BOY LIKE YOU YOU'RE DISGUSTING YOU'RE A MONSTER" he shoved me harder and I fell to the floor, right on top of the broken I felt it cut open my back I could feel the back of my t-shirt getting soaked in my own blood. Hugo just kept screaming I couldn't hear it. my ears were ringing my eyes were rolling back. I laid there in a pool of my own blood before I could gain the stretch to get up. Hugo decided to go for a walk to 'relieve stress' so I ha plenty of time to gather what I needed and get out of this awful house.

Flashforward Lucien POV

"and that's why I came here. I didn't know who else to turn to" He began to cry. I could feel myself shaking. I was so angry. no one ever hurts my Ernie.

"You're staying with me. and I'm not letting you out of my sight"

I'm Not Gay! Am I? | Dream Daddy Fanfic | Lucien x ErnestOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant