A Dumb Crush

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Warning: Contains swearing, Smoking, alcohol, drugs, fluff. 576, Irregular updates, weekly?? Hope you like it. 04/12/19


Lucien's pov

I woke up and suddenly everything came rushing back to me

"Ernest, I'm so sorry about last night"

"...Lucien, I have no idea what you're on about, but we were both drunk...and high...and I don't remember most of it, so I really wouldn't worry." 

I sighed in relief, I hadn't ruined our friendship. but that was quickly replaced with hurt...he didn't remember? I don't know why I care, it's not like I like him, I was just drunk and stoned and I've been unsure on my sexuality for a while, I just needed to get it out. I don't like Ernest. I hope. 

"Hey, I don't know about you but I have a killer hangover, wanna nap for a bit and then go to the mall later, we can bunk off and go piss off the workers again, also I think my dad will get annoyed if we smoke in the house anymore."

"Yeah sure." and with that, we got back into bed, Ernest's head on my chest like always.

We woke up at around 1 and got dressed, I wore the same black jeans and t-shirt as always and Ernest stole one of my MCR hoodies and with that, we hopped on a bus and headed to the mall. 

We went and looked in Hot Topic and I choose some more band t-shirts, a few chains to go on my jeans and a few new CDs. I got bored so I grabbed earnest and found a pair of skinny jeans that would fir him along with a black crop top and a necklace with a spider on it and pushed him into the changing rooms.  

When he came out I could tell he was a little bit uncomfortable, he usually wears very baggy clothes, and is usually completely covered so this was very different for him but oh my gosh he looked incredible.

"Hey Ernie, I know it's not what you usually get but I like that on you, I don't want you to end up wearing it and have wasted money on it so I'll buy it for you" he smiled. "...and rip it off later" he mumbled under his breath. Earnest smiled and nodded

"But this classed as my Christmas present because I don't want you spending any more money on me"

"Hmm, we'll see" I smirked. At this point we were paying for all the things we'd looked at, the cashier was quiet, pastel pink hair. I don't think she liked it here, she didn't seem like the regular kind of customer. while she finished packing our items we listened to the music playing through the speakers. 

Maybe this year I won't be sad on Christmas
Maybe I'll have a happy holiday.
Replace my heartache and my pain,
Let's just dance the night away.
This Christmas is going my way.

Just dance with me.

All I could think about was him.  I wanted to hold him. kiss him under the mistletoe. dance in the kitchen with him like an idiot. anything as long as I was with him. I needed to get over this dumb little crush. after earnest goes home I think I'm gonna get pissed. I can't keep feeling like this, it's not fair on him. I need some "me time" to sort myself out. 

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