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I awoke to the sound of chattering and the smell of bread, causing my stomach to rumble in hunger. As I open my eyes, I find myself face to face, less than 5 inches apart from Ladon. His grey eyes staring at me, as if he was memorizing my face, every curve, bone, and hair. Yelping, I scrambled backward and smacked my head on the wall shutting my eyes in fear. He chuckled, a deep, mellow thunder rumbling in my ears.

"Good morning Elf boy. I took you out for breakfast, welcome to the dining hall." It was a grand space, to say the least. The mahogany table took up most of the vast space, while the towering roof above was littered with glowing lamps. The table dominated the space, an elongated ellipse of oak with the raw bark at the edges. The tree had been a victim of a violent storm a few years back, upended root ball and all. The chairs had come from the same tree, each one beautiful in its simplicity, all clean straight lines, and high backs. The floor beneath it all was slate and with the cream walls and tall mullioned windows, it was a fine place for the evening meal.

"You must be hungry elf boy, what would you like?" He says whilst pointing to a table laden with delicacies line the walls. Everything you can think of, and things you have never dreamed of, lie in wait. Whole roasted cows and pigs and goats still turning on spits. Huge platters of fowl stuffed with savory fruit and nuts. Ocean creatures drizzled in sauces or begging to be dipped in spicy concoctions. Countless cheeses, loaves of bread, vegetables, sweets, waterfalls of wine, and streams of spirits that flicker with flames. My mouth filled with saliva so quickly it was surprising, and I swore if I opened my mouth a waterfall would flood the room. Already my eyes were set on the rabbit decorated with an array of sweet, ripe berries and nuts.

"So the rabbit hm? You have a very strange choice of food, Elf Boy." Ladon interrupted my thoughts, snapping his fingers. Immediately the tray was whisked from the display and placed in front of me, the succulent dish inviting me to sink my teeth in. I look at him with shock in my eyes, pleading for consent to dig my teeth into the juicy plump looking rabbit. He smirks and nods at me, signaling for me to eat.
I dug into the juicy rabbit with ravenous hunger. The flavor sings in my mouth while I tear into it like some sort of wild beast. Juice drips down my chin and I wipe it away hastily before continuing to stuff my face. I can feel Ladon's eyes burning into my head and I hear him chuckle again. It's almost like he finds me doing anything funny at this point. Rolling my eyes, I continue to tear at the flesh of the rabbit and cram down the nuts and berries.

"You certainly enjoy eating, Elf Boy. So, what's your name?"

"Kayne-" It slips out before I can stop it. Goddammit. Curse my habit of responding to anything while eating.
Everything fell silent. I could feel everyone's attention on me even when they paid no mind to me at first. The sound of silverware, chewing, and chattering all stopped. Did they know me before? Did I say something wrong?

I could feel the heat rise onto my cheeks all the way to the very tip of my ears. After a few seconds, every single person in the busy room started awwing at me. I didn't understand, I knew my voice was quite high but what's wrong with my name? I turned my head slightly to find Ladon staring at me, not helping my blush at all.
"He's a keeper Ladon, he's so cute oh my goodness that cute squeak I can't-"
"I thought you said he didn't speak-"
Everyone was fussing over to me, I wasn't really used to all this attention. It made me feel warm, fuzzy, wanted. Somehow, I felt less scared and maybe just a bit more comfortable around them. Maybe, just maybe they aren't as bad as I thought.

"Alright, alright, everyone, get over it. Let the poor boy eat!" Ladon boomed with authority. You could hear the chatter slowly dying down and everyone going back to their table.
"Go on elf boy, finish your meal." I nodded, hesitantly reaching back to my meal. Finishing it in a matter of minutes. Seeing as I finished, Ladon took my arm and basically dragged me towards a new area. Does this guy not know I can walk?

"Alright, Elf boy just take a seat anywhere. I'm going to be explaining some things."We reach 2 grand oak wood doors, him pushing them open with ease, his muscles flexing underneath the thin white material of his shirt. Hiding behind the grand doors laid a grand bed with silk sheets, begging me to pounce onto it and feel the fluffy soft pillows, chandeliers above the ceilings with a grand bathroom connected. It looked like a prince or even a king's bedroom. Pictures and paintings filled with memories were hung neatly on the walls. 

"You like it?" I heard, turning my head I was met with a smirking Ladon. His voice was laced with a British accent.
Nodding my head profusely, he chuckled.
"Alright elf boy, take a seat anywhere, I bet you have some questions don't you?" He asked.
All the questions and confusion began rushing back into my mind like a waterfall. I stiffened, reminding myself he was still a stranger that kidnapped me.

I didn't know if he realized my new composure, or he chose to ignore it. "Go on, take a seat, or something." He rushed me. Eying the room, my eyes fell onto a fluffy black bean bag then the chair. "You can sit in the beanbag if you wish." He reassured me. I gave him a short nod and rushed my way over to the grand bean bag. The bean bag wrapped itself around my slender body, fitting me into it like a warm hug. An unconscious smile made its way onto my face as I closed my eyes and embraced the warmth of the "hug". "So, wanna start off with some questions? I'm sure you are confused." He asked. I nodded my head slowly, thinking which question was the first one I wanted to ask. After a couple of seconds of thinking, I came upon the most obvious one.

"W-Why am I here?" I mumbled. He smirked, "I knew you would ask that elf boy, well if you recall Jasiel, the nixen or what some people like to call male sirens tried to eat you. Before Jasiel could do too much damage though, I came and took you back here to the camp. Obviously, the others weren't quite happy with this as they believed you were an elf, which I am quite sure you are and well. I guess bringing one of the enemy's homes from war isn't very smart is it?" I was trying to process what he just told me, though it felt like a dream. That this was all an illusion and I would wake up soon. "Well, seeing as I didn't let them kick you out where you would have not made it alive, my only option was allowing you to use the basement. I apologize in advance and I had to put those chains in case you tried escaping. Which leads to me asking you this. Why are your eyes green and your hair brown? I thought elves had blue eyes and blond hair did they not?" He inquired.

 I could feel the pit of my stomach forming, I didn't wanna tell him about me being a mistake to our perfect society, that I was their only flaw. He would surely kick me out and be disgusted with me after finding out, and out there I couldn't possibly survive alone. My vision started to blur with unshed tears as the memories of torment began making their way up to me. The beatings, harsh words, and the looks. Yet, there were the comforting words of my brother, and the warm hugs I received from Alaina. I missed them, yet did they miss me? What was I thinking, of course not? It was probably a good thing I was gone, Alaina and Connor could move on, everyone would be happier. Yet I still don't know everything. I'm so confused about who these people are, what they are. They couldn't possibly be human, could they? Ladon also mentioned a war. What war? Were the others safe? Everything started spinning, thoughts didn't make sense, my breathing was uneven and rapid. Everything stilled when I felt something warm caress my cheek, wiping the fallen tears that I haven't even realized had fallen. I could make out a blurry Ladon. His face was soft and comforting. He wrapped his hands around my waist, my head instinctively going towards the crook of his neck. Rubbing the tears away with his fingers, as he started rocking back and forth soothingly. I don't know why, I barely knew this man, yet it felt so..right? So comforting, so perfect. Letting the sobs out, all the pain, the confusion I felt. Soon the sobs turned into hiccups as I felt my eyelids drooping with the need for sleep. Soon, nothing but the eerie silence of the wind could be heard.

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