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The fresh smell of autumn wafted itself into my nose. It was a calming scent, my muscles unraveling as the fear in my heart disappeared. Leaves crunched under my feet as I went to the training hall expecting the arrival of the other elves. Because of my brown hair and green eyes, I was forced to train with the bottom class elves, despite Connor being the second in command of our village. An elf having any hair color other than blonde, and eyes other than blue was rare. An abomination. I'm already lucky enough to not be thrown out at this rate, but quite honestly, I'd rather be thrown out sooner so everything could end sooner.

"Oh, hey hey! The abomination is finally here I see." I didn't even need to turn around to know who that was, Chad Norvan. The only thing you have to know about him is that his ego is larger than his dick. And as he likes to say, the size of it is "monstrous". A chuckle escapes my lips when I suddenly feel a harsh shove that causes my head to slam on a table. My eyebrows knit together in pain as a groan escapes my throat, tears welling up in my eyes. "What are you laughing about huh? Isn't your presence a joke enough as it is? Or are you finally realizing that too? The boy with the color of shit itself for hair and the color of bile in your eyes. It's no wonder that whoever looks at you would want to throw up and shit on you." Chad spat. The words seemed as if it were poison and he was forcing them out, though I knew he was having a load of fun in doing so. "Well? No fight this time buddy?" He growled, pulling my hair harshly. A whimper slips out. Right as I was waiting for his blow, the sound of footsteps grew louder. "Just know you're worthless, you even managed to kill your parents and sister. I bet your brother is going to be next huh?" He chuckled lowly and sauntered away. His words left a deep cut in my soul, leaving today's joy bleeding out. Usually, he would just give me a black eye or break my arm, but, this was far worse than the physical pain he inflicts on me.

The muffled sounds of bodies moving and words being exchanged were inaudible for me. The only thing I could hear was the things he said, playing on repeat. Was it true? Was I a murderer? I don't want to kill anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone. My body took control of its own without my mind's consent. I could feel my legs moving and hear the soft crunching of the patches of grass beneath me. I let my body take control for a bit, I wanted to see where it would take me.

A while passed, my lungs started to burn and my throat was getting dry. My body signals this to stop as I make my way over underneath a tree. I could hear water rushing, the cool breeze hitting my face ever so gently as if it was wiping my sweat for me with a handkerchief.

I never knew what I had done to deserve this, was it my hair, my eyes, or just my existence in general? I have never met my mother, though Connor would tell me about her sometimes. I could never really remember my father, I remembered the days when he would yell at me or sometimes even land a punch or two at me. Yelling things like "freak, mistake, murderer" He blames me for my mother's death as my birth killed her. One day he dragged me to go hunting with him so he could "teach me how to be a man". There was a jaguar. Bright yellow eyes wit a thin slit pupil. It landed down and killed him, mercilessly. I didn't know what to do, I just ran and ran until I saw Connor. Ever since then we've been alone on our own.

 I was so lost in the depth of my thoughts I didn't even register the crunch of fallen autumn leaves and footsteps coming closer to me. "Kayne?" a soft voice called out. I flinched and turned to see it was Alaina. She was my best friend, reckless in every way and nobody wants to mess with her. She can throw a punch or two. "Why are you crying? I swear to the Gods was it Chad again? I thought I knocked some sense into him last time when I-" "Alaina! Calm down I'm fine, not even a bruise today. See?" I turn my face to show her.''Then why are you crying ?" She asked. I hadn't even realized I was crying, I placed my hand on my cheek and as expected, it was damp and moist with tears. "I-'' I was cut off by the chiming of bells, signaling our need for return. She sighed and reached out her hand. "Come on pretty boy, let's go before your brother becomes a drama queen and sends all the warriors to look out for you." I grabbed her hand as she helped pull me up.

Running back to our territory, we heard a deep booming voice "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE, I DON'T FUCKING CARE FIND HIM NOW!" My brother could and still can be quite scary when he's mad. Not fun. I waved my arms to get his attention and watched as he visibly relaxed as he ran over to me and captures me in a bone-breaking hug, lifting me off my feet. "Thank the Gods, where the hell have you been? You scared the crap out of me, holy shit you are so light you have to eat more. Oh, that reminds me are you hungry? Have you eaten y-" I cut him off by hugging him back. "Jeez, I just went for a walk calm down." I jump off from the hug and start walking back to our cabin, not before I feel a tug on my arm. "Meet me at our cabin at midnight, please" Alaina whispers. "Alain, you know my brother won't allow that!" I replied. "Please, just for tonight Key." I sigh as I accept my defeat. She squeals and captures me in yet again another bone-breaking hug. Man, my bones aren't gonna make it if they keep this up. I waved goodbye as I quickly followed behind my brother back to our cabin.

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