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The night sky twinkled with stars, like little specks of ice. Somewhere, I could hear a brook babbling while frogs croaked in solitude. Everything was perfect at night. It amazes me how no matter how far you go, there would always be more. More land, more people, more stars, more ocean, when does it all end? I sigh as I sling my bag over my shoulder. I could feel the loose flannel sleeves shift every time I moved, as my pants rubbed against the bruise on my knee. I probably made a bad decision about wearing sneakers. Today's ground is damp and muddy, surely I'll have to clean them afterward.

A creaking noise from the door makes its way into my ears, I look back once more to make sure my brother didn't wake up. No movement, just darkness. Perfect. I bolt out the door out into the forest, Alaina would be waiting for me under the tree. I didn't know what time it was but from the moonlight shining onto the grass, it should be time.The shadowy outline of the apple tree began to make its way into my view, I could see Alaina waving me over to her. A smile makes its way onto my face along with that every so familiar fuzzy feeling when I'm around her.

"Finally! Took you long enough." She said as she slung her arm over my shoulders. "Get off me Alaine, geez what do you eat to make your arms that heavy," I said as I glared at her, pushing her arm off of me."Kanye Walsh, did you just call me FAT?!"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at that statement. She looked beautiful as always, blond hair with light fading blue tips. We used some blue dye for the blankets for her hair, let's just say her dad didn't take that well. She cut her hair short, almost like a boy style, others made fun of her for it. Saying she looks too much like a boy and she wasn't feminine enough. Though I believe this brings out the real her. She was beautiful, no matter how others saw it.

I was enjoying the walk, the crisp crunching of leaves, and the silent wind when Alaina let out an exaggerated sigh. "What's wrong now Ala?" I could feel her glare burning holes into my soul, yet I resisted the temptation to turn to her. "We've been waking for HOURS kay!" This time I sigh, I may not know the time but I know for a fact that we could not have been walking for more than half an hour. "Ala, we've been walking for around half an hour, would you come down?" She lets out a huff and a sigh and continues walking.

I wince as I feel a harsh grip on my forearm, tugging me to my left. Alaina smirked seeing my attempted glare. "You know your mean faces and glares never work right? You're way too cute for that baby." She told me. I pouted at that, giving her my best puppy eyes with glassy and moist eyes. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry did I hurt you?" She immediately lets go of my arm and starts inspecting me. I smirk at that, victory! I dash off before she could blink into the trees, my surrounding begins to turn into a blur of different shades of green and browns. The sound of water makes me perk my ears up at this. My throat suddenly begged for something to cure my thirst.

Running towards the sound of water rushing, I could hear Alaina yelling insults at me from my left to right. I was small, not very strong but I was fast. "You bastard! I'm going to rip those small perky cute ears of yours off when I get my hands on you! I SWEAR KAYNE WALSH!" My heart sped up just thinking about that. My ears were cursed with being overly-sensitive, she knows that. Pushing my hind leg with one last bolt, I sprint my way over to the lake. The soft crunches of my feet on the grass were starting to fade, along with the green and brown blurs. I could feel myself coming to a halt, the curses and insults of Alaina were also drowned out. All of my attention and focus, all my senses were focused on one thing. A voice. An angelic voice, as if it was handcrafted just for me. All my logic and common sense were thrown out the window, my body began to move on its own yet again, through the trees, under the branch. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

I could see a boy, he looked about 2 years older than me, he sat on a rock singing a song about sorrow with a heavy heart. I had never seen him before, never seen anything like it either. There were legends about sirens, though I had never heard about male ones. People say they were evil, luring sailors with their good looks. This could well be a trap but at that moment I was caught in a trance. His song was irresistibly sweet, yet their sadness and grief were laced in their words. The melody purred to the soul, piercing through and engulfing my entire being from within.

My feet began moving, wanting to get closer, needing to get closer. Begging for more of that sweet, sweet sound escaping those fresh, rosy, plump lips. He noticed me staring and took out his and as if knowing what I wanted. One step turned into two, two turned into four when I lost footing and fell onto the hard floor with an "oof".

"Listen, Kay, you have to snap out of it, please!" Alaine pleaded, eyes brimmed with tears, both of her hands were covering her ears. I couldn't bring myself from pushing her off, a look of worry and betrayal on her face. When I noticed her, she shook her head and yelled for me, though I could not hear her. A look of terror soon came over her features, yelling my name one last time, she took off screaming. "SOMEONE HELP PLEASE, KAYNE!" she turned to me once more, "I will get you back Kay. I will." 

I did not know anything, my mind was not thinking about anything going on until I felt the boy's hand in mine. A scaly tail wrapped around my slim waist, I closed my eyes hoping this feeling would never end. I was hauled up into the air, my heart dropping within my chest. I landed on something hard and tough, I could feel something hit my temple harshly. I wanted to scream, run, punch, and kick, though the only thing I could have done and did, was let the wave of terror and darkness come over me. Awaiting the unexpected.

The One Way Ticket To Hell [BXB]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن