𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗔𝘁 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹, Noah

390 11 5

Every year your school organizes one day to raise money for charity. Every class will come up with a fun way to raise money. This year your class decided to spend the night at school. All the student who will stay at school for the night, will have people sponsoring them.

Currently it is 11:30 pm. Since the teachers wanted the boys and girls to sleep separate from each other, the girls are in a different classroom than the boys. School also came up with a stupid curfew to stay in your own classroom after 11:00 pm.

You're talking to one of your friends as your phone buzzes.

turn around ;)

You do what he says. You quickly spot your best friend on the other side of the window, standing in the hallway. He smiles at you and waves.

[Y/N ]
shouldn't you be in your
classroom with the boys?

i'd rather sneak out with you

[Y/N ]
as much as i like that idea
im not sure if it's a good idea
what if a teacher catches us?

ughh come on
no one will catch us
the teachers are already asleep
in their own classroom anyway

You turn your head to the side when your friend Demi places her head on your shoulder. "Don't tell me you're going to sleep here with us, when the boy you love the most is asking you to come with him," she says. You let out a sigh. "What if anyone catches us though?" you ask her. She rolls her eyes at your question. "Girl just go get your boy, I'll cover for you if anyone finds out you're not here," she says as she pushes you forward. You laugh as you let out a small "Okay, thank you."

You quietly and quickly sneak out of your classroom as you immediately feel Noah grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the staircase. "I swear if we get caught-" — "Y/n relax, we won't and if we do I'll make up a story. But believe me we won't."

He's still holding your hand as you're walking up the stairs. "Where are we going?" you ask him softly. "To the library."

When you arrive at the right floor, Noah lets go of your hand and opens the door to the library for you to walk in. As you're both inside you follow him to the couch, that is placed in front of on of the the big windows.

He lets himself fall onto the couch as he places both of his hands on the back of it. You sit down next to him.

You look through the window as you see the beautiful stars shining. The look on your face softens and a smile appears.

"I knew you would like this," Noah says as he places his hand on your shoulder to pull you closer to him.

You turn your head to face him as he is already looking at you with the cutest smile ever. "I do love it," you say and you let your head rest on his shoulder.

"I know you love the stars, since every time they shine, I always see you looking up," he tells you. "You've noticed that?" he nods his head. "Of course. I notice everything about you. The way your nose scrunches up when you laugh. You playing with your bracelet when you're nervous. And that you bite your lips when you're doing your homework."

The next few seconds it's quiet. You feel butterflies flying around in your stomach as you take in his words. You feel the blood rushing to your cheeks and you smile widely.

"I'm sorry if that sounded weird," he then softly says. You tightly wrap your arms around his torso as you shake your head. "No, it didn't. That was very cute. You're such a softy." He chuckles. "Only for you though," he says before places a soft kiss in your hair.

"Are you cold?" he asks as he draws circles on the goosebumps on your arm with his fingers. "Just a little. It's okay though." He stands up causing you to let go of him. He takes of his hoodie to reveal the graphic shirt underneath.

"Put this on," he says and hands you his hoodie. You stand up as you do so.

Noah replaces himself on the couch, but this time with his feet on the couch as well, meaning that he's body is taking up the entire sofa.

You look at him questionably. "Come here," he says as pulls you towards him by wrapping his arms around your legs causing you to fall on top of him. "Now that you have my hoodie, you have to keep me warm instead," he smirks.

Your chest is touching his. Your head and hands are laying on his chest as well, so you can hear and feel his relaxing heartbeat. His chin rests on the top of your head. One of his hands is wrapped around your torso, pulling you as close as he can. The other hand is resting on your shoulder blade.

You've cuddled a thousand times already with Noah, but never like this. You've known him since you were ten-years-old and definitely have slept with him in either your or his bed. For some reason you still get a little nervous when you lay with him like this. Every time you cuddle with him, this weird, but lovely feeling fills your body. And now that every part of you is touching him, your nervous almost make you feel sick.

"Y/n?" Noah softly asks after a couple of minutes of us both saying nothing. "I've got something to confess. I don't know how you're going to react, but I just can't keep this secret anymore and I need to get it of my chest. If you don't like what I'm going to tell you, that is okay. I just want to know that I at least tried."

You push yourself up a little with your hands against his chest so you can see his face. "It's okay, tell me," you say. He nervously bites his lip as he lets out a sigh. "Okay." You're waiting for him to tell you more as you notice his eyes avoiding yours.

"I guess I've had a crush on you for quite a while now. I tried to stop it but instead of it going away my feelings only grew for you. I'm sorry, I hope I didn't ruin our friendship. I promise that I will get rid of these feelings if you want me to, I just-" he stops talking and lets out an annoyed sigh. "I'm sorry," he almost whispers as he covers his face with his hands.

It takes you a couple of seconds to realize what just happened. Your best friend, the boy who you've been liking for years just confessed his feelings for you.

You try to take his hands of his face, but he keeps them in place. "Noah, look at me," you say. He slowly moves his hands away and looks into your eyes. A sad look covers his face. You place your hand on his cheek as you gracefully move your thumb up and down.

"What if I tell you I don't want you to get rid of those feelings?" you ask him.

The look on his face immediately changes. "Are you for real?" you nod your head as you let out a small laugh. He now places one of his hands on your cheek too.

"Does that mean I can kiss you?" he asks. Again you nod your head. He slowly pulls your face closer to his as you both close your eyes. His soft lips touch yours and sparks seem to fill your bodies. If this was a movie you're pretty sure fireworks would go off right above you.

After seconds you slowly pull away to catch some breath and place your forehead against his.

"I'm in love with you y/n."

𝗡𝗢𝗔𝗛 & 𝗝𝗢𝗦𝗛 ➵ imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now