𝗔𝗻𝘅𝗶𝗲𝘁𝘆, Josh

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Together with Now United, you're dining in a fancy restaurant. As you just finished your food, Sina and you decide to go to the bathroom.

"I'm so full, but I want to have a dessert so bad," you laugh as you open the door to the woman's bathroom. Typical Sina, she always wants to try and eat everything.

"Oh my god. Did my hair look like this the whole time?" you ask Sina as you try to fix it. "What do you mean? You're hair looks so good," you shake your head but then give her a thankful smile.

"Anyway, I'm going to pee," you comment as you open the door to one of the toilets.

You listen to the peaceful music that's playing in the restaurant as you fulfill your needs. After flushing the toilet, you put your hand on the lock. When you try to unlock the door it won't let you turn it. You try again and again, but it still doesn't unlock.

"Sina?" you ask, panic already running through your veins. "Yes?" you hear her say. "I'm stuck." — "Oh shit," you can hear her curse right before she tries to open the door from the outside.

You try to calm down your heartbeat, but your anxiety is taking over. You're claustrophobic and this small bathroom is definitely testing your phobia.

Before you know, your cheeks are covered in your own tears. "Sina, I can't breathe," your shaking voice gives away that you're crying.

"Oh my god y/n, hang on. I'm going to get help. Try to breathe in and out through your nose." Right after that you hear her running away and the heavy door between the bathroom and the restaurant close.

You try to do what Sina told you to do and breathe in and out through your nose, only your body won't let you. You try to turn the lock again, but it still won't move.

You let yourself fall down on the ground and cover your face in your hands.

Quickly after that you hear the door open again, followed by multiple quick footsteps. "She's in here," you hear Sina say.

"Y/n?" You look up when you hear, your best friend (and crush), Josh calling your name. "Y/n, please say something," he says worried. "Josh," you're able to bring out of your mouth but it is quickly followed with a soft cry.

"Ssstt... it's okay. Staff is working on your door right now. You're going to be out of there very soon okay?" You hear some loud noises and notice your door moving. A few seconds after that you see your door unlock and it opens.

The staff takes a step back with his tools as Josh quickly comes up to you and grabs you by your waist. He takes you out of the little space and hugs you, trying to comfort you.

Even though you're out, your anxiety hasn't seem to leave your body. You're still full out crying and can barely breathe. Josh seems to notice it and places both of his hands on your cheeks to make you look at him.

"Y/n, breath with me." He takes deep breath's in and out. You try to follow his lead but your body is not letting you. "I can't," you cry out, making yourself panic even more.

As your legs are about to give up again, Josh is quick to catch you. He moves both of you down to the floor. His back is now resting against the wall and you are in his lap.

He grabs your hand and head and puts it on his chest. "Focus on my heartbeat." When you close your eyes to do so, Sina thanks the staff who asked if he needs to bring you anything. But Josh shakes he head when he feels your body slowly calm down.

"We're good here, thank you so much," he says. "No problem. If you need anything after all, just tell me and i'll get you it," the staff says before leaving the room.

The couple of seconds after that, you hear Josh and Sina talk a little before you hear the door open and close again.

When you open your eyes you see that you and Josh are the only ones left. He moves his head to take a better look at you, but you quickly wrap your arms around his neck and pull him close. He wraps his arms around your waist and back, and moves his hands up in down in a steady rhythm.

You close your eyes again as you let your chin rest on his shoulder. Hugging Josh has always been the best comfort methode for you. He makes you feel safe. He makes you feel at home.

After what seems about a minute, you slowly let go. As you do so, you notice the make-up stains on his shirt. "I'm so sorry," you say while tearing up again. Josh quickly places his hands on your cheeks to make you look at him and shakes your head.

"Don't apologize. I care about you. Not about the shirt. You mean everything to me and I just want you to feel safe." Worry is still found on his face.

You smile lightly and then place your ear on his chest again so you can hear his heartbeat. "Thank you Josh."

He stays quite but you can feel him place a kiss on your head.

You guys stayed on the floor for another ten minutes, until Josh decided that it was time for you to go. He helped you wipe off your smeared makeup from your cheeks with some paper towels and then lead you out of the bathroom. Sina and Heyoon noticed you and quickly came up to you.

Josh told them that you were doing better, but he's taking you to the hotel now.

That night he spent entirely with you in your hotelroom, letting you lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat until you fell asleep.


𝗡𝗢𝗔𝗛 & 𝗝𝗢𝗦𝗛 ➵ imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now