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Draco's P.O.V.

I can't breathe.

Blood and flower petals lay everywhere.

I could hardly hear Pansy and Blaise trying to comfort me in the background.

Somebody ran into the room.

Madame Pomfrey.

I could barely hear her.

But I could tell she was shooing away Pansy and Blaise. They clearly weren't moving because I could still feel Pansy's arm around my shoulders and Blaise's hand on my back.

I felt like I was dying.

I guess I was.

I needed help.

But I couldn't accept it.

My vision had gone blurry. I couldn't see anything clearly. Somebody was moving me. I was being carried or something. They were taking me somewhere. I couldn't tell. I was crying.

It felt like my oxygen supply had been cut off completely. I could tell people were watching. But I didn't care. I wanted out of here.

He doesn't love me.

Pansy P.O.V.

"Draco! It's okay! It's gonna be okay! SOMEBODY GET MADAME POMFREY PLEASE!" I cried out. A younger Hufflepuff, maybe about 4th year, ran out of the room, hopefully to go get Madame Pomfrey.

Draco had all of a sudden collapsed in the middle of the 2nd floor corridor, coughing up flowers and blood. Me and Blaise started to panic and we immediately went to help him.

Students had started to gather around us, including Mr. Golden boy and his goody goody friends, including Weaslette, who was clinging on her brothers arm for dear life. Psh. As if she had much of a life to begin with.

But I wasn't worried about that. All I cared  about what the fact that Draco was on the floor, coughing up blood and Flowers.

I wasn't positive, but I had a feeling that I knew what was happening.

All of a sudden the Hufflepuff came back with Madame Pomfrey. Thank god. Madame Pomfrey pushed her way through the crowd, the Hufflepuff behind her.

She looked back at the young Hufflepuff. "Thank you Lewis. You may go. Everyone else clear out of the way! Mr. Malfoy must be taken to the hospital wing immediately!"

I didn't want to leave Draco behind.

"Miss Parkinson! Mr. Zabini! I'm afraid you must let Mr. Malfoy go. He needs to be moved from here."

Draco was on his knees, clinging onto me with all he had, while also trying to cover his mouth to stop the flowers and blood.

"Please. Let me come with him. I can't leave him behind." I said. Blaise spoke up. "Me too, Draco needs us." He said, his voice cracking half way through his sentence. Blaise wasn't one for getting emotional, but apparently when his friends are in danger, he can show quite the amount of emotion.

Madame Pomfrey took one look at our worried faces and sighed. "Very well. You may come. But keep your distance. He needs his space."

We nodded and helped her pick him up and kept out distance as she carried him back to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey was a lot stronger than she let on.

People followed us to the hospital wing, but it didn't seem like Madame Pomfrey had any intention of shooing them away. We continued to walk until we got to the hospital wing. I was worried out of my mind.

I hoped Draco would be okay.


When we got to the Hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey laid Draco down in a bed away from the others. She immediately went to the back room to get some stuff. She came back out with a few papers and some other stuff. She checked Draco's blood pressure and heart rate, then his temperature.

She looked at her papers then waved her wand in the air. Apparently she was summoning someone because her patronus took off out of the hospital wing.

I ran to Draco's side, Blaise right behind me. I grabbed his hand and tried to steady my breathing. He was still coughing up flowers and blood. Eventually, Snape came through the door. Everyone scattered to the sides of the room to let him through.

He marched over to where we were. "Move aside, Miss Parkinson. Let me have a look at Mr. Malfoy." He said sternly. I moved to the side, my gaze on Madame Pomfrey, hoping she could do something.

Snape started to investigate Draco, examining the flowers, looking at Madame Pomfrey's papers, and other items.

Madame Pomfrey and Snape started talking. They had to do something. Snape turned around and looked at me. "Miss Parkinson, could you and Mr. Zabini kindly escort everyone from the room? Then I would like you two to come back."

I nodded and did as he said.

When I got back, Draco had stopped coughing up blood and flowers, but he was still crying, just silently now. He was starring at the ceiling, apparently in another world.

Snape noticed my entrance and waved me over. Without looking at me, he started to talk. "He's suffering. The blood and flowers stopped once you led everyone from the hospital wing. It was someone in the room who caused it. I'm not sure who, but I intend to find out. I presume you should want to help, and I give you full permission too. You would try to either way, so there's no stopping you. You may go."

I took one last look at Draco, then started to walk out. I turned around just as I reached the door. "It's the Hanahaki disease isn't it? The disease of one sided love?" Madame Pomfrey nodded. I looked down. "Professor? You can fix him, right?" I asked.

Snape didn't respond.


I looked up. Snape was looking at Draco, a sad expression on his face. He always favored Draco. Eventually he looked at me.

"There is one of two ways. Either whoever caused this returns his love, or we surgically remove the flowers, but along with his feelings for whoever caused this. He may never love again. But that is for him to decide."

Snape looked at Draco again. "If he does not either get his love returned or the flowers and feelings removed, he could die." Snapes frown deepend, to be honest I didn't think that was possible.

"How long?" Blaise asked. "Until.. you know..." he looked away, blinking back tears. I patted his shoulder to comfort him. "A month, at the very least." Snape said.

A month.

A month to find out who did this to him.

A month to save his life.

A month is all we have until he dies,

Unless we can help him.

Save him from this

I Present to you:

☆꧁p e t a l s꧂☆

A drarry fic based on the Mythical disease:



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