"Yo, Phil how are you?" Malaysia said

"Just doing great"I said with a smile

"Well Phil this is where we usually sit when we have nothing to do"Thailand said

"Well where are the others then?"I asked

"Oh them?, they were just buying a bunch of food in the canteen"Thailand said

"Hey guys wutsup,"myanmar walked from the canteen

"The ceiling ofcourse"Laos said walking with Myanmar

"It's a greeting lol,"Thailand chuckled

"It's just a joke, hello~"Laos said

"Oh Phil great to see you back"Laos said with a hug

"Me too"I said

"Ey what about me?!"Myanmar said sobbing already

Laos said seriously while I giggled

"Hey not very nice"Myanmar continued

"Well ofc, a Greeting for u too,"I said

",Yey,"and he stopped

"Mal I dont wanna make u mad but tbh there is no Milo anymore Bro"Indonesia walked from the canteen

"Who just finish my milo."Malaysia said with a dark side already and Indonesia was happy seeing him like that


"Well u wanna know who finished your milo huh,"Indonesia smirked


"imma KILL THAT PERSON RIGHT NOW"Malaysia cut Indonesia's sentence

"Now let me finish"Indonesia said

"It's ........THE PRINCIPAL IS THE ONE WHO FINISHED MILO, SO HOW CAN U DEAL WITH IT HUH?!"He shouted that not only us burst into laugh, even other countries burst in to laugh too

"......"Malaysia just said nothing but blank

"That was the best comedy show I've ever watched"Myanmar burst in to laugh

And Singapore trying to hold his laughter and tears falling from his eyes

"I can't just take it,"and Singapore decided to laugh too

[Time skip]
After lunch

"Now let's see who is the best now"

"Oh I'm ready"
"I WIN" Indonesia cheered for himself at the arm restling

We did some P.E and after that we decide to make play a game for a while since school is finished now

"Well guys it's getting kinda late now let's just go back to our dorms"Singapore said

"Yeah I guess so"Laos said

"Well Phil lets go back to our dorms now,"Singapore said waving a good bye now

"Oh yea"I said smiled and wave

After that,
me Vietnam and Singapore went back to our dorm, actually we are the only once that are roommates are waiting

And we went to our dorm now

"It's fun and exhausting today"Vietnam said

"Yeah"Singapore said

"I agree too"I said

"Well guys where have u been,"Belarus said sitting on the couch

"We just have a little fun and we didnt notice that it's getting a little late now"Singapore explained

"Oh well if your that tired, maybe u should try having dinner,"Belarus said

"Then whats for dinner?"I asked

"Go to the kitchen if u wanna know"she said

"Okay then"Vietnam said

We went to the kitchen and saw Mexico making tacos for dinner

"Is that the yummy tacos?"I said in suprise because I really do like tacos

"Yep, the one and only,"Mexico said

"You should go try one"Mexico gave us some tacos, and we tried them
"Its so yummy"I said in awe

"Yeah"Vietnam said

"Well I kinda like it"Singapore said

After we eat we just do whatever we want to do so...me and Belarus are watching while south is listening his kpop and the rest just do their own stuff

•It's exhausting right now but atleast
I had fun•

•"see you next morning"•

•To be continued•

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