"Hey I just wanted to say, before we go, I'm really sorry! I'll talk with you later but I promise I didn't know you were-"

"It's fine Dylan, it really is" you force a smile

Dylan reaches the door and whips around, the other boys stay behind clueless.

"Can you guys come? I think we should give her some space, plus, I don't want to walk through a hospital by myself. What if I get attacked by a crank" This makes everyone laugh. Including yourself. The guys start walking over and Thomas gets up too, you quickly grab his arm,

"Stay?" You ask,

"-sure" he smiles and sits back down. You see the other boys smile and walk off

"I need to talk to you about that- uh-" he stops

"Kiss?" You know that's exactly what he means, what does it mean? Was it just spur of the moment? Or was it real? Genuine? Did he like you, or just want to kiss you.. You recall the conversation from yesterday.. Will implying that he wanted to tell you something.. You wait for the right time to bring it up.

"Yeah, the kiss" he rubs the back of his head

"Well, can you tell me what you think it meant? And maybe we could just work our way backwards from there?" You smile at Thomas, hoping he notices

"Yeah, uh- okay?" He smiles awkwardly "well, I kissed you because I wanted to kiss you! Because I think, your ugh- I think I have-...." He trails off

"You think?" You ask

"Well, the thing is I've only ever fancied three girls, in my whole life.. And- I feel a certain way towards you Lara. I'm not sure If it's exactly the same- but it's close..." he stops when you both notice Dylan walk into the room with a tray of hot chips. That was quick...

"Oh. Look who decided to stay behind" Dylan says to Thomas as the others take their seats again, Ki smiles at you.

"Look who decided to be an arse!" Thomas stands up and takes the chips from Dylan and quickly punches him playfully

"Did you tell her?" You hear Will whisper to Thomas

"I think so?" Thomas replies

"You THINK so-?"

"Shh!" Thomas interrupt him

Neither of them notice that your listening, so they sit down. Dylan and Thomas at your left side and Will and Ki on your right side.

Dylan places a finger on the tip of your nose which has a brace on it. Thankfully it doesn't hurt anymore,

"Ouch" he sighs "I'm really-"

"Visiting hours are over, please leave" the nurse appears at the door

"But you said she can come back tonight? Can we just stay with her till then?" Ki asks

"Well. I'll have to ask my manager..." She walks off

"You have so much charm Ki" you giggle

"Sass" Thomas corrects you

You all chuckle

You sit up and take whatever was on your face off. You feel fine, they told you that your nose was broken but it felt fine. Probably just a minor fracture,

The nurse returns and tells the boys that they are aloud to stay, but they're not to wonder around the hospital. When I'm aloud to leave they are to take me home and they have to sign me out. ALSO the cafeteria is closed... This hurts the guys really bad.. Guy. Boys. Males. Why are you only surrounded by guys? Where's Kaya? Where's Bianca? Where's your gals?

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