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Leezzz gooo

Y/N's POV:

Both me and Ragnis circle eachother. I have my shield raised and in front of me. Meanwhile Ragnis just rests his axe on his shoulder.

Ragnis: How long are you going to hide behind that shield Spartan?

Y/N: You can see me.

Ragnis: A real man would set down the shield and face me without it.

Y/N: A real man would take the fate of his people more seriously.

He just scoffs and lunges forward towards me. He swing his axe towards my side so I instinctively move my shield to protect my side. His axe slams into my shield and pushes me to the side a little.

I move to counter and stab my sword towards his neck. He steps away from my blade and slams the end of his axe down onto my hand.

I drop my sword upon impact. He then uses the end of his axe to hit my chin upwards. He then swings his axe down at my head.

I quickly move my shield above my head. My body rocks as his axe slams down onto my shield. Just how much force did he put into these swings?

I use my legs to push my body upwards. With my momentum I move my shield to side and his axe moves with it.

I then put my shield in front of me and bash Ragnis in the chest.

Ragnis: So you have some moxie in you, good.

He swings his axe at my side. I jump over swing and roll towards my sword. Without much time to spare I pick it up and parry his next strike aimed at my head.

Ragnis: But moxie isn't enough boy.

He headbutts me making me stagger. He then kicks my chest. I raise my blade in time to parry an incoming swing locking us in a fight for control.

Ragnis: I see the strength of you Spartans is not just a rumor.

We both struggle as we fight for control. I can feel my biceps flex. Sweat begins to make its way down my head to my neck.

Y/N: Neither is yours.

I push my sword forward before yanking it back. He stumbles forward as I step away from him. With his back exposed I slash it.

Sparks fly as the two metals clash. My sword leaving a deep cut on the armor.

He turns and swings his axe at my side. I move my shield to block it only for him to change the direction of his swing. His axe comes flying down towards my head.

I try to back away but my foot gets caught on a rock. I'm helpless to watch as his axe scrapes across my helmet leaving a scratch against it.

Grunting I drop down to the ground and sweep his legs out from under him. I move to get on top but he rolls to the side uses the end of his axe to hit me in the side of the head.

My head begins to ache and my ears begin to ring. My vision becomes doubled as he gets up and slams the end of his axe on the back of my head.

My head hits the ground and black dots begin to cloud my vision. I groan in pain as my body refuses to get up.

Ragnis paces the circle with his axe on his shoulder.

Ragnis: Is that all you've got?!

He walks over and kicks my side. I wheeze as the air escapes my lungs. 

Jess: Y/N!

Helena: Get up!

I feel a foot placed against my back. I struggle under the weight as I feel the blade of his axe against my neck.

Ragnis: Surrender, and I may let you live.

I let out a hoarse laugh.

Y/N: Surrender?

I shake my head and start to push myself up. He pushes down on me.

Y/N: Surrender.

I manage to get my stomach off of the ground and use my forearms to prop myself up in a plank position.

Y/N: Spartans...

I roll myself to the side and uppercut him. His head shoots upwards and he steps back.

Y/N: Never surrender!

Without my sword I punch Ragnis across the face before grabbing his shoulders and slamming my knee into his stomach.

He pushes me back with the handle of his axe. I then grab the handle and yank it towards me. He pulls back and I let go. Due to him pulling back he falls backwards.

With my new found opportunity I grab my sword and stab it towards his neck. He moves his head away just in time.

Before he can be given the chance to counter I hammer my shield down onto his head. His head lulls to the side and I place the tip of my blade to his throat.

Y/N: Give up. It's over.

I stomp down onto his hand forcing him to let go of his axe. I then kick it to the side.

A moment of silence passes as I stare down at Ragnis. I can feel his eyes boring into my own.

And then he just lets out a hearty laugh. He then taps my sword and I let him go. He stands up and cracks his neck.

Ragnis: You surprised me Spartan. I yield.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I then sheath my sword and step to the side as Helena makes her way to Ragnis.

Helena: Then you give us your word you will stand with us?

Ragnis: I give you my word.

He holds his hand out to her. Helena looks at it before shaking it.

Helena: Then you have my word that I will fight with and for your people.

I look over at Jess who lets out a relived sigh before approaching me.

Jess: Are you okay?

Y/N: Head hurts.

Jess: You should've been more careful.

She pouts and crosses her arms. I roll my eyes and put my hand on her head. She tenses up before relaxing and embracing my hand.

Ragnis: Come and feast we have much to talk about Spartans.

Helena: And the mechanic.

Ragnis: But of course.

Helena looks back at me and Jess and walks over to us. She then takes my hand off of Jess and shakes her head.

Helena: Enough of that, lets go.

Helena then hands me back the saber. I place back where it belongs and nod my head.

Y/N: You lead and I'll follow.

Aaaand scene

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