Chapter Three

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It was not long before my family came bursting through the iron door and into the small room where I was being held. "Avery!" Faith exclaimed at the top of her lungs, tears streaming down her face. "No, no, no, no!" She shouted hysterically as she wrapped her entire body around mine. "You can't go! No! Please no!" Her voice was hoarse with broken sobs. My parents were close behind her; my mother's eyes were swollen and red, while my father's expression was unreadable. My mother glanced around frantically. "Faith, we only have a few minutes, please settle down" she pleaded in a tone of defeat. "Please, do it for Avery." 

Faith released me from her tight clutch and instead fled to the comfort of my mother's arms. I bit my lip to keep myself from crying out, but I wanted so badly to hold onto my family and never let go. "Oh Avery" my mother said breathlessly, reading my body language. I could no longer stop myself from breaking down. "Mom!" I choked out and and buried myself in her embrace. "How could this happen to me?" I muttered quietly, speaking more to myself than the others. "What am I going to do?" I questioned aloud. "I'm so scared." I pulled away and stood to face my family, unable to meet their eyes. Was this really the final time I would ever see them? 

"Avery" my mother regained her voice to speak. "I need you to know that I am so sorry. I would do anything in my power to protect you, to spare you from any pain this world may bring." A single tear began to trail down her cheek despite her desperate attempts to fight them off. "You have been the greatest blessing in our lives. You make me so proud each and every day to be your mother. And nothing in the world, not even the Hunger Games will change that. You will always be my beautiful, kind, gentle, little girl." She furrowed her eyes together before pulling me into her and kissing my head. "I love you so much Avery. Please remember that when you're out there." Her words hit me like a train. "Mom" I sniffled. "I don't want to die. I'm so scared." My words cut through her like a knife, because shortly after she began crying as well. "Avery, it's okay to be scared, but for now you need to focus on surviving. Okay?" I nodded my head and hugged her one last time. "I love you."

I knew our time was beginning to run out, so I bent down to Faith, "come here kiddo" I gestured. She once again wrapped her arms around me. "It's going to be okay Faith, hey listen to me." I stroked her hair and pried her away from me, so I could look into those green eyes of hers. "Faith, we don't have much time. I'm so sorry. I wish could be here with you forever, but I can't and that's okay." I took a shaky breath before continuing my goodbye. "Listen, while I'm gone, for however long that may be, please look after mother. And when father asks you to help him out in the woods; go with him. He is getting older." Faith's eyes were beginning to water again, so I wiped away her tears with my sleeve. "I know we always poke fun at Jonah, but remember Faith, the weird kids aren't always so weird. Be kind to them. Listen to them. Sometimes all we need in life is someone that will listen to us." I sighed. "You are smart, strong, and passionate. I admire you so much." I brought her closer to me before whispering, "and you know that question you asked me, about the kids? I would still have children Faith. No matter how awful this world is. Children are gifts in this life. They are precious. Children have the power to change the world. So please have kids." I took a step away from her before saying one final "I love you." 

I stepped over to my father last, knowing that there were only a few fleeting moments until my family was taken away from me once and for all. "Avery" he hugged me, and I found myself relaxing underneath his strong arms. "What am I supposed to do dad? I won't make it. I'm going to die." I stared up at him. He shook his head in response, "Avery you must not think like that. You have to go in there and fight. I know you can find it in you. You are one amazing kid." My bottom lip began to quiver at his words, and at the thought that this was the last time I would see him. "I would not trade any of our days in the woods or inside jokes for anything." He smiled at me. My father was miraculously tough and I appreciated his strength more than anything.

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