I fumbled with my shaky fingers, trying to hold my composure as best I could, "What's going on?"

They stared at me, unease written all over their faces. Nobody spoke a word, leaving my question unanswered.

After momentary silence, Kade's lips finally parted, "Do you not remember...?" He asked.

I looked down at my already-shaky hands, watching as their tremors rapidly increased.

I shook my head.

A cool breeze of air hit my neck, and I looked down to see I wasn't wearing Scotty's hoodie anymore.


My face drained vacant of all color and my jaw dropped open.

I raised my hands to cover my neck, looking at my brothers with wide eyes.

They watched with tight frowns, giving me knowing eyes.

"We already saw those," Flynn mumbled.

I looked down at the ground shamefully, taking my hands away.

I then blinked, feeling the urge to touch my neck again.

Something felt familiar about this.

I brought my hand back up, rubbing a thumb down the side of my neck.

Why did that action feel so familiar?

I blinked again, waves of memories accompanying my simple touch.

Holy fuck.

My breath hitched within my throat as I looked at the floor, remembering every excruciating detail from the night before.

Holy fuck.

I swallowed nervously, looking beside me to stare at Cameron.

She looked back at me remorsefully, nodding her head as if to say yes; your memory is right.

I snapped my head back to Kade, Nathan, and Flynn.

They all gazed at me with exhausted expressions, their eyes almost apologetic.

"You remembering now?" Nathan asked, a pointed look upon his face.

I looked to the floor in embarrassment.

I felt like I was supposed to say something, but I couldn't figure out what.

Nathan tilted his head at me when I didn't respond, his eyes searching over my frightened face, "Do you want tell us what's been going on with you lately?" He asked slowly.


I scrunched up my nose.

That's not the type of question I had anticipated.

I began to shake my head, "Huh?"

Why weren't they mad at me? At us?

Kade spoke for Nathan this time, his eyes staring right into my soul, "Do you want to tell us what's been making you act out?" He furthered Nathan's question.


"I was just being a stupid teenager," I replied quickly, "I guess I just partied a little too hard," I let out a forced laugh.

Nobody else laughed.

Flynn winced at my laughter, his head shaking slightly, "Violet, we don't just mean whatever last night was," he said with unease.

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