CH. 13 Are You Even Legal?

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I soaked in the shower, washing and exfoliating. I got out, blowdried, and went to my closet to grab the chosen outfit for tonight, putting it on, and walking over to my mirror to check it out.

I looked good.

The skirt hugged my hips and extenuated my curves, while the top showed off my collarbones and a bit of cleavage.

It was the perfect outfit for tonight.

I smiled at myself in the mirror, twirling around.

Haha, if only my brothers could see me now.

What a sight that would be...

I walked over to my vanity, grabbing all the makeup I'd need for tonight's look.

After about an hour— the look was complete and it was only 11:30, meaning I had half an hour to figure out how the hell I was supposed to get out of my house.

Formal dining room window? My self conscious offered.

No, I sighed, That may have worked the other night, but house alarms activated at 9. If I even lifted that window up a centimeter, the whole house would be screaming at my escape.

Well, then I'm sorry, but... you're screwed, My conscious laughed.

I scowled.

There's no way I'm missing the opportunity to go to a party.

I huffed, running my fingers through my hair in frustration.

Wait a second... My self conscious spoke up again, doesn't Chase's bathroom have a skylight...?

My eyes lit up and a smile spread smooth across my lips, Yes. Yes it does. And I know for a fact, there's a ladder just outside of it he used to use when he snuck out during his mischievous years in high school. But, then again, it's not like Lucas or Lance ever cared about him sneaking out- he could basically walk out the front door and virtually have no consequences.

Time was ticking at the clock struck 12.

Iconic, right?


I saw my phone light up on my bed with a text message from none other than Cameron Sanders.

To: Me
From: Cameron Sanders

Im here. Three houses down, Vi. Ready for some bad decisions and memory loss?

I smirked. Did she really even have to ask?

I ran to my closet, fetching a pair of black pumps, and shooting Cam a quick 'Ofc, omw,' for recognition.

After retrieving my shoes, I kept them in hand. These bad boys would have to wait if I wanted to parkour my way out of this hell hole.

I walked over to my door, placing my hand on the knob, and taking a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.

I twisted the handle, cracking the door open, and peeking my head out into the hallway of bedrooms.

Silent. You could hear a pin drop. All the Hansen boys were fast asleep, leaving only but one to reek havoc throughout the night. And of course, it was none other than the littlest Hansen, with the biggest plan of the evening.

I took another deep breath, and edged my leg out the door, creeping into the middle of the hallway.

I turned around, flipping the light switch in my room off, and shutting my door quietly.

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