Act 9: Declaration of war

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The Falcon touched down amidst the dense jungle, and as the ramp descended, Poe, Finn, Chewie, and the droids hurriedly made their way towards General Organa. Commander D'Acy awaited their arrival, bringing a glimmer of joy to Poe's face. With a weighty tone, she addressed Poe, conveying that something had occurred. "Poe," she began, "There's been an incident. Finn..."

Before Commander D'Acy could continue, Finn interjected, recognizing the urgency of their current challenges. "This can wait," he asserted, emphasizing the need to prioritize.

Poe locked eyes with the Commander, a mix of determination and concern evident in his gaze. "We must find the General," he insisted firmly.

D'Acy met their gazes, her expression heavy with sorrow. "She's no longer with us," she whispered, her voice carrying a tinge of grief.

'Gone?' Poe repeated, his thoughts echoing in his mind. He stood frozen, his gaze fixed on the Commander, unable to comprehend the devastating reality that General Organa had passed away. His mind struggled to process the unbearable truth.

Chewie sank to his knees, the weight of grief overwhelming him. The loss of Han, Luke, and now Leia was simply too much to bear. Finn attempted to console him, reaching out with empathy, but Chewie pushed him away, consumed by his sorrow, letting out anguished cries that echoed through the air.

Lost in his thoughts, Poe remained rooted in place, his mind consumed by memories. The pain in his heart was overwhelming, rendering his feet immobile. Unaware of his surroundings, he didn't even realize when Beaumont began unwrapping the bandages on his arm and tending to his wound. In a hushed voice, Poe admitted, "We were so close. I'm sorry."

Beaumont gently applied bacta gel to Poe's wound, carefully rewrapping it with fresh bandages. Meanwhile, D'Acy reappeared by his side, her presence drawing Poe's attention. "Poe, you need to see this," she urged.

Poe looked at both of them, a sense of confusion enveloping his thoughts. How could they continue their work, tending to wounds, after losing General Organa? Leia was gone, and with her, the Resistance seemed to have lost its guiding light.

D'Acy guided Poe towards the communication console, and Beaumont trailed closely behind. She directed his attention to a message that had just come in. "Kijimi has been destroyed," she informed him, her voice filled with grave concern.

"Kijimi..." Poe's voice trailed off, anguish gripping him even tighter. His mind immediately went to Zorri, his first thought consumed by worry for her. "How did this happen?" he urgently inquired.

"It was struck by a blaster from a Star Destroyer," came the somber response.

The response felt incomprehensible, causing Poe to shake his head vehemently. "No! It can't be. It would require... No!" He continued to repeat his denial, refusing to accept the devastating news. Those around him had never witnessed Poe in such a state. He possessed a depth of emotion that sometimes surpassed that of other resistance fighters. He held his friends close to his heart and was willing to defy direct orders to ensure their safety.

Beaumont revealed more details, his voice heavy with sorrow. "It was a new Sith fleet, emerging from the Unknown Regions. The Emperor dispatched the ship from Exegol."

Poe's horror intensified as he processed the information. "They possess planet-destroying weapons?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief and dread. "Of course they do. Each one of them. This is how he intends to bring about the end."

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