"You do realize that you're in a town with a bunch of heroes, right?" Rumpelstiltskin questioned his sister. "I just don't want you to start messing with the wrong people. Especially the goody-goodies that are the Charmings."

"Yeah I already had a run-in with them." Reese laughed. "But I don't know why anyone would be frightened of me.... I only threatened that I would make necklaces out of their intestines. Is that considered scary?"

"Yes. That even scares me, dearie."

"Okay, I was the one who started the whole 'dearie' thing. Why in the world did you steal that from me?"

Rumple looked down at his watch and sighed, "Can we continue this argument later? I have to go assist Belle."

"Okay." Reese sighed in sadness. Before leaving the shop, Rumple hugged Reese and they stood there for a few seconds.

"I'm so happy that you're back, Rae."

"So am I." Reese watched as Rumple left the shop, leaving her standing there starting to tear up. She wiped the tears away and walked toward the door, and walked out. Reese felt the sun on her skin and smiled. She felt everyone's eyes on her and just shook it off. She just wanted to blurt out, "Look at me one more time and I will rip all of your hearts out of your chest."

She knew that probably wasn't the nicest thing to say right now, so she shut her mouth. Reese walked past multiple stores and looked inside each store. She got A LOT of stares for doing that so she turned around and shouted, "I WAS INDOORS FOR CENTURIES! LET ME LOOK IN SOME FUCKING STORES!"

Someone who Reese has never met walked up towards her and grabbed her arm. The old lady looked Reese in her eyes and stated, "I don't know who you think you are, but you don't speak like that around children."

Reese-- who was surprised that an old woman would speak to her like that-- used the lady's grasp on her arm, and turned her arm clockwise, so now Reese could grab the lady's arm. Reese pulled her in close and stated, "Well, lady... My name is Reese," She watched as the lady's eyes had widened, "Okay, so you know who I am. I would suggest that you don't grasp my arm like that again, or you will have to sew your arm back into place. Got it?"

The lady was able to get out of Reese's and ran away. The lady ran right into the Charmings. Reese saw that the lady was talking to them, but before Reese could walk away; she heard Emma yell, "Reese! Why in the world would you scream that word, and why would you threaten Granny?"

Reese looked passed Emma at Granny and laughed, "That makes sense. Why would someone name you Granny?"

"Stop being rude, Reese!" Emma yelled. "My mom and I allowed you to come back to Storybrooke, and you repay us like this?"

"You allowed me to come to Storybrooke?" Reese responded, a little bit of anger was audible in her voice. After a second, she looked back at Granny and sighed, "I'm sorry Granny for threatening you, but just anger me again. Okay?" She looked back at Emma and smiled, "happy?"

"Very." Emma smiled.

Reese watched as Emma walked back over towards her family, and Reese felt a rush of joy; she really just disliked Emma and wanted nothing more for her to go back to her family.

Then Emma's mother, Mary Margaret, looked at Reese and smiled, "Do you want to come to our welcome back home party?"

"What?" Reese heard everyone say.

"No, it's okay but thank you." Reese responded in a manner that surprised everyone. "I'm not in the mood to be around people I don't know, and I don't think anyone wants me there. It was a nice thought though, Mary Margaret."

The Darker One// Once Upon A TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora