Chapter 2

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It has been a month (Y/N) and Levi were officially becoming husband and wife. What even worst was that she had to live under the same roof with her so-called husband. She tried to escape few times from staying in the apartment until one day she accepted the fact and lived with him. A month ago, the girl was surprised to hear the conditions read by Erwin to both of them.

"As a wife to Levi Ackerman, you shall follow your husband and obey him by means respect him as a husband. As a husband to (Y/N) (L/N), you shall respect your wife and take care of her no matter what happen. Both of you have the right towards each other. Any question?" Erwin explained.

(Y/N) sighed.

"Then, can I not live in the same house as the president?" she asked.

The three of them were at the living room in Levi's luxurious apartment. (Y/N) looked at Levi when she shot the question to Erwin. As usual, he gave her no reaction at all.

"I'm afraid you have to stay here with Levi. You are his wife by law, after all," Erwin answered.

"You don't have to worry about staying in the same room as me. There is one more room here so you can stay there," Levi told her.

Once settling down in the apartment, (Y/N) was afraid to talk with the president. She was a bit uncomfortable and did not dare to look at him whenever they bumped into each other inside the apartment. She just did not know how to even start a casual conversation with him.

After having a warm bath in the middle of the night, (Y/N) felt thirsty. She decided to chill herself with a cold drink. As she was on her way to the kitchen, she saw a light coming from one room and the door was opened a bit. It was Levi's room. The girl got curious and walked toward it.

"I'm glad we can corporate in this project. It really means a lot," Levi said.

He was on the phone.

"Why is he still working at this hour?" (Y/N) wondered.

As she wanted to lean in further to hear more, Levi was already standing in front of her. (Y/N) startled and her (E/C) eyes met his monochrome grey eyes.

What a beautiful pair of eyes, she thought.

"Are you trying to seduce me, brat?" he bluntly asked.

"Excuse me? Oh!"

Then only she realized that she only had her body wrapped in towel. Quickly, she moved back and covered her bare shoulders with her hands.

"No! I'm not! I've just had my bath and wanted to get something to drink," she answered.

"I see."

Levi moved forward and hindered (Y/N) to the wall. She gulped.

"Why don't we spend the night together? After all, we are husband and wife," he whispered to her ears.

His hand slowly went up touching her wet hair that was not fully covered by the towel.

"P-pr-president," (Y/N) stuttered.

Then, suddenly Levi took off the towel from her head and wrapped it around her shoulder.

"Better don't catch a cold. I don't want to get worry if my wife falls sick since I have tons of work need to be done," he told her and walked back to his room.

(Y/N) could not grasped what was happening but her face reddened like a firecracker that she could explode anytime. Instead of heading to the kitchen for her drink, she quickly walked back to her room.

*Time Skip*

"(Y/N)!!" called Petra.

(Y/N) turned to her. It was lunch time and the cafeteria was full with employees having their lunch.

"Petra Ral, I told you before to never call me out loud," she warned her.

"Sorry but would you go out shopping with me this weeked?" Petra asked.

"I thought you are going out with Hitch," Historia interrupted.

"She had to cancel it last minute. Her fiance's parents are coming over," the light-ginger haired girl answered.

"How about your beloved boyfriend, Oluo Bozado?" asked Sasha.

"This is only-girls shopping and I need (Y/N) with me."


"Therefore, (Y/N), please, please pretty please," Petra begged.

(Y/N) wanted to go but she needed to ask permission from Levi first. That night, she waited for him at the living room. However, she fell asleep while waiting. When she woke up, she saw a blurred face and it was really closed. She rubbed her eyes for few seconds and found that it was Levi. The girl quickly woke up.

"Welcome back," she said.

"It's very rare to find you sleeping in the living room," Levi told her.

"I-uh, actually have something to say."


"Petra was asking if I can go out shopping with her this weekend. I haven't answer her yet."


"So, I-uh, I am asking you for permission to go," (Y/N) stuttered.

Levi found that her reaction was cute but he would never tell her that.

"There's no need to ask permission from me, brat."

"There is!"


"No matter what I do or where I go, I have to ask permission from your first. That's because you are my husband," (Y/N) told him.

Her cheek turned red. Levi looked at her.

"The paper told us so," she mumbled.

"As long as you know your status and limit then it is alright for you to go without asking permission from me. By the way, there is one thing I'd like to ask you."

"What is it?"

"It's about your part time job. Do you really love it?"

(Y/N) bit her lips. Slowly, she nodded.

"Alright. Then, good night," Levi said and left the girl confused.

On the day of the outing with Petra, (Y/N) woke up early as usual. As she went out from her room, she stopped in front of Levi's room. She wondered if he was still sleeping or already doing his work.

She then decided to make breakfast for him. She started to cook and prepare his favourite black tea. The girl did not realize Levi had walked into the kitchen. As she turned around to put the food on the table, she was startled by him and almost dropped the plate.

"Good morning," she greeted.

"Morning. I thought you were already out," Levi answered.

"Yes, but I thought of making you breakfast before leaving. Do you always make your breakfast?"

"Not really. I don't make my own breakfast. When I want to, I'll go to cafe or restaurant."

Oh well, that's what rich guy would do, she thought.

"Well, this is the first time I'm having breakfast in the house though. Thank you. I hope to have breakfast again... made by you," Levi said as he started to eat the food.

(Y/N)'s heart beat faster upon hearing the words coming out from her president.

"Somehow I don't understand what it means but I will make you breakfast. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, always. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving then," she told him and left with a smile on her face.

Levi totally did not see that coming.

"Tomorrow and always, huh? What an interesting brat," he mumbled.

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