Chapter 8

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For the past two weeks, (Y/N) was not able to concentrate on her art. Every time she did one, she would threw it away. The principal of the school was worried for her.

It all started when the girl saw Levi with another lady with red hair coming out from a hotel and she was all clingy onto him. She even gave him a kiss on the cheek. After that, he rarely came back home even though his schedule was not tight and as a matter of fact, he was on his annual leave.

"I think too much. It's not like his life affects mine," she said alone while was about to have dinner in the house.

Suddenly, tears started to fall from her eyes as she ate her food without she realized it. This has been dragging for so long and she felt so weird living alone in the big apartment. She even called Erwin to ask about Levi's where about.

"The president has not coming back to the house for quite long time and I couldn't reached his phone calls," she told him.

"Well, Levi was with me until six o'clock in the evening. Maybe he's off to somewhere else."

"It's been few days already. Erwin, does Levi having an affair with other woman?"

There was a long silence.

"(Y/N), Levi would never do that. Trust me. "

"Well, I mean... it's not that something I should be worry about right? We- we're just husband and wife on paper," (Y/N) blabbered as she laughed.

The (H/C) haired girl tried not to think too much about it but despite all that, she kept on making more mistakes day by day. She kept on apologizing to Manager Keith. In the end, the old man excused her to go back home and rest.

"Something's really bothering her," said Sasha.

"Why don't we cheer her up later?" suggested Petra.

That night, they called (Y/N) to come over to Historia's house as her house was perfect for some girl's talk. 

"You've been like this for few weeks, (Y/N). What happened?" Historia asked.

(Y/N) smiled.

"I'm sorry if I made you guys worried," she apologized.

"So what's the big thing that's blotting up your mind?" Sasha asked.

"A guy," (Y/N) answered.

Hitch and Petra looked at each other and repeated the word that (Y/N) said. Sasha looked at her colleague with big eyes.

"He's someone I don't bother and like about, I mean his attitude but somehow he's the one who is close to me. We don't have anything with each other either but when I saw him that day, walking out from the hotel with a woman... my heart hurts. I don't know why but it's painful to watch him with another woman," she said.

The girls in the room fell into silence after hearing (Y/N)'s confession.

"The reason you were not yourself is because of this guy?" asked Sasha.

(Y/N) slowly nodded and adjusted her spectacle.

"Hey, (Y/N). Do you realize that you are actually falling in love with this guy?" Petra asked.


(Y/N) looked at everyone and they all nodded.

"You are already falling in love with him, (Y/N)," Historia confirmed it.

"I'm in love?" the girl said to herself.

Her colleagues were smiling.

"Okay, look. If you want to confirm it try to find out where he is and follow him. If he's with the same lady and your heart is in pain once more, then girl, you are in love," Hitch suggested to her.

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