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Dear Diary,

So as usual, I was planning to talk to him today, but failed successfully! You must be thinking why we stopped talking, because we were so close before.
Yes, you're right! It was my fault!

6 years back , my classes got divided into two sections. That's how he and I got apart. Not even missing out a day, I always kept on visiting him.
We were still close. He would laugh and talk to me, tease me and play with me. The only time we could share this moment was during the break.
Once, I had asked him to measure our hands to see whose were larger, he took my hands and laughed, "Everyone knows you're a boy , and not a girl. Yet, my hands are larger!"

I had been blushing. I pouted and began to insult him too. The reason I got along with him was prolly because he considered me as a guy. This is what I always think. The friendship he and I shared, had been ruined because of me. Because I made a mistake, a mistake of falling in love with him, which he did not accept.

I sigh thinking about my past again. Hostel began to be more interesting than I thought. Except for the fact that there are cat-size rats. I seriously hate this creatures! Can you imagine? We literally sleep with rats.



Dear Diary,
(The day I bought new diary)

I love you. I received a new Diary today, and will continue to jot down her.

I wait for the assembly to begin. As I'm busy searching for Jack, Issac signals me from far. I go and greet him.
"Jack won't be attending classes today."
"Why!? What's wrong? Is he sick? Where's he?"
"It's okay. You need to calm down, Alice. He's just having gastritis problem and his usual eye infection. He'll get well soon ,I'm sure."

Issac leaves me saying these warm ,calming words, which does not leave any impact on me. If Jackson is sick, he's sick. I don't care if it's minor. I couldn't handle the fact that he was sick.
Thinking about all these, I decide to skip the programme.

After the first class, I ask the teacher if I could use the washroom. I don't like the feeling knowing that I'm attending class while my Jack is sick. So, I'll just bunk it!
As I play around the hall, I see Jackson, the one who's supposed to be in sickbed, laughing and playing with his hostel teacher.


Yo! People. Please don't forget to vote ,comment and share!! It really matters alot to me!!
If you want to see Alice Sienna, check her out on Instagram: @aren_ajem_16 heuheuheu!!
I'll be spilling more tea if you keep on supporting me!!! Buahahhahahhah❤️

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