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The first shift classes are over finally, and though I tried my best to ignore him, I failed. He caught me staring at him every single minute which made him feel uncomfortable. Damn me. I should stop being a creep to him.

In every movie I watch, and every book I read, it's always the guy staring at the girl with a perverted crooked smile, trying hard to flirt, and failing everytime. Well, in my case, my story is different. The guy with the perverted crooked smile is me while the girl protagonist is Jackson Gates.

Whatever, I await for the girls to talk in the washroom, when I see Ava, our hostel room representative, approaching to me with a big smile.

Ava, a tiny little girl, who's older than me, stopped growing tall at her teenage. She has very less but beautiful brown hair, and is known by everyone in the school for her voice. It's almost as if she's the best singer in my batch. She's also the lead singer of the school band.

Have I ever told you about 'The School Band'?  No. I haven't right? Our school focuses alot on music, and luckily all the the band members are from my batch. Let me introduce them.

Ava, the lead vocalist, who shakes the whole school with her voice. I cry everytime I hear her sing. She represents the Yellow house.

Jackson Gates, yes, I'm talking about my so called crush, the lead guitarist. Not so tall, manly figure, also, the best guitarist in the school. He has been playing guitar for Six Years now, and also, here's another fact, he wants to play like Syn, from Avenged Sevenfold.

Thomas Evergreen, the drummer. He repeated his grade nine. But maybe, as people say alot, it was all God's plan. Because he's a shy guy, and doesn't open up to people alot. But when he joined our batch and began to represent the school band, he changed. Well, he's still the same. But, he changes when he's on stage. We literally see fire on him. Yes, he rocks. He represents the Blue house.

Alfieo Logan, the bass guitarist, is  another talented ass. He can play the guitar, drum, the piano, and can sing really well. He usually sings with his partner Ethan Bradley. He's also known as the 'Juniors King Crush' , because alot of the younger girls falls for him whenever he performs. Well, he is cool. Tall and dark, manly body and sexy. He represents the blue house.

Archie Vegenange is the acoustic guitarist. To me he's a shy old man, who's always caught sleeping in the class, by me. He talks alot once we get close. He's also a part of Jack's gang. That's the reason why I talk alot to him, to stalk. He's not as tall, has cute smile, and rarely gets mad. He represents the Yellow house.

Alisa White, the girl who preserved my bed, is the pianist. Perfect Barbie body, though she eats alot. Long brown hair, with brown eyes, has beautiful fingers, talkative and crazy. Every girly juniors worships her in school. She's always so fashionable and is crazy rich. Her biggest dream is to open a Music Academy and her own fashion brand, which I know, she'll achieve it. She represents the Red house

These are only the main band members. All so passionate about their dreams and music. I envy them alot .

Okay, back to reality, Ava pats me ,"Hey. Alice!"
"Yo. What's up, Ava?" I lean on the wall.

"So, as I was coming here, I met Jackson and Lucas on the way." I smile when I hear his name.
"Lucas wanted to know why you joined the school hostel, and Jackson blushed and smiled like crazy!" My friends around me begin to tease me . "Well, I do hope you made it clear to them that Jackson's not the reason I joined, right, Ava?" I assure. She smirks and nods saying yes and leaves.

I leave as well. Now he must be thinking that he's the reason I joined this hell. I take a deep breath and sighs. As I walk out, my legs feel numb and my body turns hot, because speak of the devil, Jackson Gates is in front of me with his Gang, smiling, as his friends tease him .

The Diary For My Crush.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang