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Dear Diary,
Looking around the new environment, I felt scared and lonely. My parents had admitted me to join the school hostel, which I had objected alot because I sucked at making new friends.
As I'm busy staring at the girls arrange their beds, talking about their vacation and their new boyfriends, I notice Alisa waving and approaching me. I had texted her the week before and as promised, she preserved a bed for me.
"You can sleep above my bed" she exclaimed pointing at the bunk bed and helping me with my bags. "I'm sorry, all the good beds were taken." She says and leaves. I noticed.

I sit on her bed and still continue to look around and try to breathe the new air. A few girls, who are supposedly my classmates, smiles and welcomes me, which I seriously find it fake and uncomfortable.
Then, I notice that Zara and I are the only new borders this year. Zara is this very pretty girl with big eyes with long eye lashes, small kissable lips, and curly black long hair. She had joined hostel so that she could focus on her studies. Good for her! As for me, I, Alisa Seinna, have no goal at all.

Slowly, utilising my time, I arrange my bed and take a quick wash up. My life in hell has just started. The hatred in their eyes and their fake smiles, I had to tolerate it for a year. The worst was yet to come and I knew this very well. "I'm not ready for this!" I sleep off.

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The next day as I enter my class, located at the second floor, I feel overjoyed after so many hours, seeing my old best friend in the same room.
Rylan Brooke and I had been friends since forever. In fact, she was the first person who knew about my feelings for Jackson.
I walk to her, giving a tired smile, and she returns with a warm one. "So, how's hostel and the friendly people out there?" She asks me sarcastically. I smile and reply, "They were so kind. I felt like I was at home, CHILLING!" I stretch the word.

She laughs and pats me. "Well, I do hope you don't fall back for Jackson Gates!" She reminds me. She had been telling me this over and over again before I joined hostel too. "I know! There's no way I'll fall in love with him, 'again'." I lie.

I feel bad for lying. But what am I supposed to do? Some of my friends wanted me to forget him and move on. I did try. It didn't work.

I sigh and sit with Violet, one of the hosteler. As I'm busy arranging my books, Rylan comes to me with a smirk," Speak if the devil. Look, who's here."

Rylan, pointing towards the door, I look and begin to blush seeing Jackson Gates entering the room with his gang, smiling.

"There you go again. Stop staring." Rylan sniggers.

Dear readers! Thank you so much for reading! T^T I'm so glad that you appreciate my works.

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