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Summary: Lucian Swan wasn't always his name. In another world, years into the future, he was an average, normal human being. Now that he's been reincarnated into Twilight as Bella Swan's cousin... normality is just wishful thinking. Add the fact that the Volturi guard keep on stalking him wherever he goes, and that he's somehow a bloody witch, his life quickly becomes one for the storybooks.

This fanfiction will be the Volturi kings x Male OC since I couldn't find many, so I decided to write one. I hope you enjoy it! Also, although the first chapter is in first person, the others are all in third :)

[This work has been published on other sites since 2020]

Chapters with [-] have been edited since 16/05/22. Major editing underway :)


Dearest Cousin

A few hundred years have passed now since we were last in contact, and a lot has happened in this massive time span. In seven hundred years, much can change, after all.

We didn't separate on the best of terms, but hear me out, ok?

How are you and your coven? Edward? Is Renesmee still faring well? She's getting on now, her age has far surpassed the expectations of many. Nahuel, after all, only made it to around eight centuries.

I heard about sweet Alice's demise and wanted to send your coven my deepest condolences. She was a cherished friend of mine when we were younger, it was saddening for me when we lost contact a hundred years ago. Last I heard from her, she was moving to England on a hunt for information about who knows what.

I know we never did hold the closest of relationships, but I wish to be present at her funeral if your coven would allow me, to pay my respects. I was once, after all, an honorary member of your Coven.


Lucian Volturi


Dearest Readers

I would like you all to know beforehand that this life isn't my first. It is, in fact, my second. I reincarnated here, you see, after a long, drawn-out previous life.

This life has been good to me. It's given me power, adventure, a family to call my own, and eternal love. I honestly couldn't ask for more.

In my former, I was the perfect textbook human being. Average in anything I ever did. Apart from a few peculiarities that aren't worth mentioning, they don't really matter anymore, it was very dull compared to the one I am currently living in now.

Although, this life wouldn't have been so fulfilling and fun if I hadn't read the books about the universe in my previous one. I wouldn't have gotten caught up in Bella's mess otherwise, staying human and away from vampires as much as possible. Or rather, I would have been dead mere years into it.

I wasn't a big fan of twilight, the characters were annoying most of the time, but I wouldn't ask to be reborn anywhere else now. Perhaps the Harry Potter Universe or Naruto would be cool, though. A thought for another day.

Signed, Lucian Volturi


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