I knew that man. I knew those eyes. I knew that baby. 

On the white strip below the picture, were the words "Liam & Rivera" were scribbled in my father's thick hand writing.

"Holy fuck. Ray...that's Liam." I whispered. My brother took the picture and squinted at it, then at me.

"You...you were right, Rivera." He said in a hushed tone. 

I felt sick, like I was about to puke. Why? I wasn't exactly sure. I mean, okay, it was a guy holding me. But...but if Liam had held me as a newborn baby, then...why did my father want me to stay away from me? Was he a criminal? Had he hurt me in some way? No, no dad said he was a good man.

What was my father hiding from me?! 

"Ray...help me clean these up." I said. He did, and we threw the pictures into the box quickly. "Wait," I grabbed one. I just wanted to see... 

It was Liam again, but a bit younger with a lot more hair. A girl was pressing bright pink lips to his soft cheek and he was grinning like a kid in a candy store. That woman, that hair...it was Aunt Danielle. But...but what? Liam is gay! And Danielle is married to Andy! They have a daughter! What?

"This, is too much." I said, meaning the picture.

"Maybe they were just friends." Ray shrugged.

"I'm ignoring that." I said, crawling deeper into the attic.

"So what do you think One Direction was anyway?" Ray called after me.

"Knowing Dad, probably a book club." I called, laughing. "Google it."

"I'm not gonna fucking google it, it's probably nothing. Lets just go I want food." Ray complained. I opened another box, only to find what seemed like millions of letters. 

"Holy shit." I said, staring at the letters. 

"This is getting creepy. Maybe Dad's a serial killer." Ray suggested.

"Let's just go," I said, ignoring his lame joke.

He agreed and started to crawl back toward the stairs. I grabbed an old duffle bag, and filled it with a handful of the letters. I threw the lunch box inside as well and zipped it up, when something caught my eye. It was a shoebox, markd Louis. I was about to open it, when Ray called for me. So, I threw it into the bag as well and climbed down the ladder, out into the hallway.

I went and stuffed the bag into the car, then came back inside to find my grandmother waking up.

"Kids," she said. "I'm really tired and I have a doctors appointment tomorrow," She started.

"We were gonna be going anyway," Ray told her, hugging her tightly. "I love you,"

"Love you too," She replied.

"Bye Nana," I said, hugging her. She whispered in my ear, 

"Say hello to the boys for me." I nodded, even though I wasn't sure who "the boys" were.

We said our goodbyes and went back outside to the car.

"Turn on the old pop station." I asked my brother as we drove.

"You're the only person I know who likes this crap." He said. I rolled my eyes and he turned on the station anyway, an old artist called Rhiana finishing up playing.

"Alright," The radio producer said. "We're coming to you from London, ready for our next tune! Here's an old favorite of mine, this is What Makes You Beautiful!" 

Te song started to play and Ray slammed the breaks on.

"You're insecure. Don't know what for..." Started to play and he stared ahead, his eyes glazed over. I knew this song, but I couldn't remember where I'd heard it.

"Ray?" I asked, slightly alarmed. He was shaking.

"Rivera," he whispered. I stared at him.

"Um, yeah?"

"I...I know this, I've heard this...but....but where?"

Ray POV:

The image was clear. My young mother holding my tiny three year old hand as we stood backstage. Backstage of what, I didn't know. My father bent down to my level and smiled, giving me a little hug. Then, he goes back up to my mother, and kisses her, whispering something in her ear that made her giggle. Four men, who I'd known, probably since birth, were there as well, all dressed up. The blonde with the polo gave me a little fist bump and the one with the deep brown eyes and shaggy carmel hair hugged the blonde's waist, kissing his neck and whispering about someone named James. I knew James, he was my sister's age! He was my friend, who I saw often. The pakistani boy kissed a beautiful blonde girl and placed his hand on her rather large baby bump. I remember watching the curly-haired one, as well. He glared with envey, his face flushed, and put in ear plugs to preform. The blonde kissed the carmel haired boy one last time and the pakistani boy smiled, kissing the girl. My father and mom inbraced. Then, all the boys glared at the blonde and carmel guy. Why? What had they done? My father looked not angry, but...sad. Really sad. "We better get out there," The curly one said, walking out on to the stage. That's when the screams started. The audiance screamed and I didn't know why. I just hugged my mother's leg and she lifted me. I played with the neck of her blouse, hiding my face from the screams. The blonde girl came over by my mother. "They're really doing this?" She asked, her voice almost....sad? My mother nodded slowly and I could feel her start to cry. "They...they're...I can't." My mother sobbed. The blonde took me in her arms and comforted my mother as well. I felt safe there, with her. She was kind and loving, like my mum. "This is What Makes You Beautiful..." An Irish voice had called. Dun, dun dun, dun dun dun dun, dun dun, dun dun, dun da da da.. "You're insecure...."

And just like that, the memory was over. 

"Ray!!!" Rivera yelled in my ear, shaking my arm. I shook my head and turned off the stereo with a loud smack. Rivera watched in fear.

"I...the memory...that song..." I stuttered, slowly starting to drive again after a car had honked. Rivera was turned to face me, in her seat, looking nervous. 

"Ray..." She started.

I started to tell her about my memory, and by the time I was done, she was leaning back in the seat, her face pale.

"So...One Direction is..." she started.

"Let's just go home, and Google it." I offered. She managed a nod and we drove in silence, no music, no words. We had nothing left to say.

A/N: Please let me know what you think!!! Thank you for reading!!

More action in the next chapterrrr

His Past's Future *Niam Future Fic*Where stories live. Discover now