Take Me Home Tonight Part One

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"He's beautiful" She thought to herself. She was looking down at her son. He was beautiful. He had dark brown hair and Finns nose... thankfully, he had her ears and definitely Finns body cause he was long.. really long. "He's beautiful rach." She turned her head to be greeted with the smiling faces of Mercedes and Kurt. She was confused. She had just given birth to a giant baby and Finn was no where in sight. Did he pass out? Did he leave the room? Did he go to the bathroom? Where did he go? She looked down at the baby again and then back up at her friends confused. They took notice quickly. "What's wrong Rachel?" Kurt said as he took a seat down on her hospital bed. "Where's Finn?" She said looking around the room just maybe thinking she missed a glimpse of him. "He'd never miss our sons birth.." she said looking down at the baby in disbelief. Kurt and Mercedes exchanged looks. "Where the hell is Finn?" She said getting a little frustrated. The baby started to fuss and she knew he was reading her emotions. "Rachel... are you okay?" Mercedes said rubbing her back. Rachel was so confused. "I mean I just gave birth so I guess so?" She said in a condescending tone. "Rachel.. Finn told you months ago he didn't want anything to do with you or the baby Remember?" Kurt spoke up breaking the tension. Rachel was confused. Sadness and disbelief filled her face. "What are you talking about? Him and I just picked out a name for him?" She said still not believing them. "Rachel.. he told you right after he found out he didn't want it and you guys haven't talked since?" Kurt was starting to worry. Did birth mess with her memories? Why couldn't she remember this? "You are lying.. he would never abandon his family like this... never." She said and Mercedes and Kurt just gave her a sad look. It was more like pitty. "He loves me and this baby." She said holding her son close "Rachel.. sweetie.." Kurt said again laying his hand on her arm and she pulled back. "No.. DONT touch me.." she said with force.

A knock on the door came and she smiled. "See I told you Finn was coming!" She said letting happiness fall over her face, but instead it dropped when a random lady entered the room. "Who is that?" She said holding her baby closer. "That's the adoption agent coming to get him." Mercedes said looking at Rachel funny once again. "Rachel you said you didn't want to keep him." She said once again and Rachel only held the baby tighter. "I would never... I love my son.." she said pulling him tighter to her chest. "Rachel you picked out his family and signed your rights away... what's going on with you?" Kurt said and got up off her bed and stepped away. "No.. no.. you are wrong.. I would never ever do that!" She was getting emotional and the baby was starting to cry. She began shushing him. "Ma'am.. please give us the baby.." the random lady said. She didn't look nurturing, so why was she taking her son away. "No he's mine! You can't have him!" She was frantic and she began getting closer. She placed her hands on him and Rachel screamed as loud as she could but the lady kept grabbing. "NO! NO! NO!" She yelled over and over again. "HES MINE! YOU CANT HAVE HIM." She said but the lady grabbed him out of her arms. He was crying and screaming. What the hell was going on. This wasn't what she had planned.

All of the sudden Rachel jolted out of her sleep and felt her heart beating out of her chest. She reached her hands down to feel a protruding belly still attached. "Holy shit.." she said placing her hands on her belly and felt her so kicking her hard. It was more reassuring than hurtful. She needed to know he was still there, inside her, growing strong and not being taken away from her. She was trying to catch her breath as she let out long and deep and shaky breaths. She knew that she needed to calm down so the baby would calm down. It was just a nightmare. Nothing was real about that! She still had her baby and she still had Finn and she was still pregnant. She never thought she say "Thank god" to being pregnant. She looked over at Finn who was peacefully asleep and she felt herself relax a little. She looked over at nightstand and pressed the screen on her phone and looked at the time. "Four forty-eight" she said out loud and then looked over at Finn. She knew he was peacefully sleeping, but screw that. "Finn." She whispered into the quiet air around her. "Finn?" She whispered again. This time she pushed him a little "Finn." She said louder. Jesus Christ this kid could sleep. "Finn." She said but this time she shoved him and he woke up. "What.. what.. is the baby coming? Is it time for school? What's going on?" He said and she couldn't help but chuckle. "You love me and this baby right?" She said and Finn rubbed his eyes and laid his head back down on the pillow. "Huh?" He said again but this time letting a yawn out.

It wasn't supposed to be this wayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें