Finding Out// Part Two

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"So am I carrying Finn Hudson's child or no?" She spoke once again not even attempting to hid her sad reaction to the news she already knew. Kurt's face was still full of shock as he was looking down at the test. "Yeah.." He said letting out a soft chuckle. "Yeah.. their is a baby in there.." he said not even making eye contact with her. He just continued to stare at the test. "So this is really happening right now?" He said quickly ripping the test out of Kurt's hands and looking for herself and there it was.. those stupid and unforgettable pink lines that indicate you are pregnant. The positive test made the moment so much more surreal as she felt that tighten feeling in her stomach which resulted in her running to the bathroom to throw up that stupid granola bar she ate this morning. She threw up for what felt like forever and finally felt the hands of someone holding her hair back. She quickly flushed the toilet and rinsed her mouth out with water. She glanced over at the test and felt the tears all over again. "So I'm really pregnant?" She said feeling her tears start to flow again. "It wasn't supposed to be this way Kurt! I was supposed to get out of here Kurt and be that somebody I always dreamed of and Finn Hudson ruined that for me! What am I gonna do?" She said defeated as she slid down against her bathroom door. Kurt sat down on the floor next to her and grabbed her hand. "We are gonna do this together rach!" He said with a little optimism in his voice. "Believe me.. this situation could be much worse and who knows maybe that little alien baby inside you right now could be a good thing?" He said still looking straight into a wall. Rachel looked at the same wall just with less emotion. "Much worse? How could this situation not be any worse? I'm pregnant at eighteen years old with a kid who barley notices me and who has a girlfriend who will kick my ass and destroy my life in seconds and I'm pregnant.. this situation couldn't be much worse.." she said letting out a shaky breath and taking her hands and wiping the tears off her face. "Hey look on the bright side.. If Quinn hits you.. she'll probably get expelled and arrested.. I thought it was illegal to hit a pregnant women?" Kurt chuckled trying to make light of a rough situation. "Oh great so I just need her to harm me and my baby for my life to get better? Say less.. I'm on it.." she said rolling her eyes and letting her little sniffles continue. She continued to hold Kurt's hand as if it was the only thing hold her down to the ground right now. "Think about it rach.. this could be a great thing.. and if it's not then you have options!" He said raising his eyebrow and turning his head towards her. Her head turned towards him "I know.. I could always just keep it.. or we could put it up for adoption.. or you know? Abort.." she said cringing at the word a little. She didn't know if any of these were the right choices. "Well you are gonna have to tell Finn." Kurt sighed and looked back at the plain white wall. "I know, but I don't want to.." she said feeling her eyes sting as she closed them for the first time in what felt like a while.. "well who even knows.. maybe it's a false positive? Why don't you Schedule a doctors appointment and you can find out for sure that way.." he said squeezing her hand again. "Do you really think it's a false positive?" She said leaning her head back against the door and closing her eyes. "No, I don't, but I'm not a doctor Rach.." he said closing his eyes once again. They sat there in silence for what felt like hours but was only minutes. "Okay, well we can't sit here in silence any more.. you need to go call the doctors and we need to feed you and little Barbra.." he said giving a light chuckle after it. "You think it's a girl?" Rachel said letting a little
Smile fall to her lips but not for long. "I don't think diva.. I know.." he said and stood up wiping his pants off and straightening out his shirt. Rachel followed suit and got off the floor and fixed herself. She walked over to her phone on the bed and began looking for an OB office that would accept her. She searched on the internet and clicked on the first one. Lima's women's and children center. She felt sick even reading the name. She quickly pressed the link and then called the number. A ring or two later and a voice filled the phone. "Thank you for calling Lima's women and children center.. this is Lisa how may I help you?" And Rachel couldn't speak. She felt frozen. "Hello?" The women said once again. Rachel looked down at the phone and quickly hung up. " I can't do this! I can't do this!" She said again and looked over at Kurt but this time it wasn't sadness in her face. It was fear. "Diva.. you got this! Call again!" Rachel took a deep breath and pulled up her call logs dialing the number again. A ring or two later and the same voice filled the phone "Thank you for calling Lima's women and children center.. this is Lisa how may I help you?" Rachel took a deep breath "yes ma'am hi! I was looking to make an appointment for an ultrasound?" The lady on the other end quickly responded. "Okay and can I have your name and how far along are you?" She said and Rachel could hear clicking on the other side of the phone. "My name is Rachel Berry and the pregnancy test i took today says six weeks." The clicking continued. "Alright Rachel I can fit you in sometime next week. How does Thursday sound?" Could she really wait almost a whole week and half to find out she was pregnant? Why was this so hard? "Um yes that's fine." She said and the line went Silent for a second. "Actually are you okay with coming in tomorrow afternoon say two thirty? I just had a cancellation for tomorrow so if that works better for you." Finally something worked out in her favor! Finally! "Oh yes, that's even better! Thank you so so much!" She said looking down at her stomach. "Okay, well we will see you tomorrow at two thirty then?" The women said. "Yes ma'am! Thank you so much!" She said and hung up the phone. Kurt looked over at her and smiled "soo good news?" He said raising an eyebrow. "They can fit me in next Thursday?" She said lying her head off. She needed.. well she wanted to do this alone. "Yay! Well that's good and then you can finally start to figure out things." He said grabbing his phone and looking at a text from Blaine. "Blaine wants to hang out tonight. Do you want me to stay?"
He said waiting to respond back to Blaine. "No, go hang out with him." She said with a fake smile. Truthfully she wanted to be alone right now. "Are you sure? Like really sure?"He said still waiting to text Blaine. "Yes, I'm sure." She said with a fake smile yet again and she watched as he texted Blaine saying he was on his way over. " Hey Kurt, please don't tell anyone.. even Blaine.. please?" She said with a pleading look. "Of course.." he said and grabbed his phone and began walking towards the stairs. "Just lock the door on your way out!" She yelled down the stairs and in seconds she heard the front door shut. She quickly laid down on her bed. This was exhausting. She was exhausted. Who knew finding out you were pregnant was exhausting? She plugged her phone into her charger and set it down on her side table beside her and slowly closed her eyes. Maybe a short nap would help? Maybe this was some kind of awful dream? Within seconds she felt herself fall asleep.

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