The New Rachel Berry

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They were on there way home from the competition and of course Mr. Schue was in the front seat holding the first place trophy. "This is going to look great in our trophy case guys! I'm so proud of all of you!" He said finally taking his seat on the bus as they continued there ride home. The bus of course was filled with little chit chat and conversation. A few heavily laughs and giggles, but as they were getting close to home Santana stood up. "Listen bitches.. Rick the whatever he calls himself is having a party tonight and we should definitely go and celebrate!" She said and that earned some "whoop whoop" and "yessss"from the gang. "I'll send you guys the addy." She sat back down in her seat and smirked over at Quinn. The plan was going to work and this idea was perfect revenge on Rachel Berry. Rachel had brought herself out of the glory of winning to look at Finn. "I don't think we should go to that party.." she said and Finn looked over at her. "Why not? We deserve it rach! You deserve to celebrate this victory Rachel!" I mean she did agree but she could celebrate by watching Barbra Streisand in Finns bed. "Doesn't it seem suspicious to you that Santana would invite us to a party?" She said raising an eyebrow at him. "Well maybe we should go for a little bit, just to have some fun." He said and Rachel nodded her head. "Only a little bit finn and I'm serious!" She said and Finn got a beep on his phone with the address.

They had finally arrived back to the school and began unloading everything. Rachel has grabbed her bag and threw it in the car. She turned around to look for Finn to seem him near the bus talking to Quinn. She narrowed her eyes wondering what they were talking about. I mean that was his cheating, whoreish, non pregnant, cheerleading ex girlfriend who he used to sleep with and make out with so I'm sure the options here are limitless. She watched as she touched his shoulder and ran her hand down his arm and she protectively wrapped her arms around her bump. She could feel her blood boil at Quinn, but she soon realized Finn didn't do anything to stop her. She quickly took of her heels and tossed them in the car and put on a pair of sandals and got in the car. She leaned back against the car and watched as they continued to interact. She watched as she laughed and twirled her hair and she honestly wanted to gag. Was she really flirting with a man that had a pregnant girlfriend?? I mean was Finn flirting back? Why was he still talking to her?

She still stood by the car and finally after what felt like ages he walked over to her with a big smile on her face. He walked over and leaned down to kiss her but instead she moved her mouth and let him kiss her cheek. "Let's go home." She said getting into the drivers seat. She of course had to adjust the seat because of Larry long legs, but she adjusted herself and buckled in and waited for Finn to get in the car. He put his stuff in the back ask got in. As soon as he shut the door she started to drive away from the school. "So I was thinking that when we get home we could shower together before the party.." he said and moved his hand to her thigh. "No thanks. I'm good." She said and ignored his hand on her thigh. "Rachel what's wrong?" He said making sure to keep his hand on her thigh. "Nothings wrong. I'm fine." She said giving him a fake smile. "Rachel.. what's wrong?" He said once again and she smiled "nothing." He took his hand off her thigh and sat back against his seat. "Quinn and I were just talking. I'm trying to be friends so she'll leave you alone." He said defensively. "Oh yes I can tell that's what friends do. You rubbed my arm like that and that's how I got PREGNANT Finn." She said and adjusted herself in the seat. "Rachel I don't want to get Quinn pregnant. I don't want to be with Quinn at all. I want to be with you." He said lovingly. He tried to take her hand but instead she twirled her hair in her fingers and tried to impersonate Quinn. "But like Finn why would you like some pregnant dwarf.. haha" she said faking laughing at the end.

He rolled his eyes. "Rachel your being ridiculous." He said letting a laugh come to him. "No what's ridiculous is that I had to stand there and watch another girl flirt with you and you not do anything!" She said giving him a fake smile. She pulled into the driveway and shut her car off and unbuckled. She made sure to grab her keys and slam the car door behind her. She opened the front door and shut it behind her and left Finn in the car. She made her way to the bathroom and opened the door and locked it behind her. She turned on the shower and undressed herself and got into the shower. She was hoping her shower would help release all her anger. "Your dad is a dumb ass." She said looking down at her belly and letting the water come down over her. She continued her shower and washed her hair and body and tried to let the anger wash off her in the shower, but she just couldn't. How could he think that was okay? How could he think that she was fine with him just being nice to her after all she's done to them. She tried to shake her mind of it and turned off her shower and grabbed her towels making sure to wrap her body and her hair.

It wasn't supposed to be this wayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz