Walk into the Past: Through Times of Bloodshed

Start from the beginning

I brought my knee up, hitting him in the balls, then threw him off of me. I sat up and dusted off my hands and shoulders. I sighed and got up. Watching as Obito rolled to his side, holding his crotch. "I can't have kids anymore........" he continued to mumble incoherent things under his breath. Until Minato got everyone's attention. 

   "Well, we were scheduled to do a mission, but seeing as Obito.... got injuried,"  he gave him a sympathetic smile, "We'll just continue on with me, Rin, and Kakashi. Thao, take Obito back home, and don't abuse him more than you already have please." He chuckled nervously. I nodded and walked over to Obito since I threw him 5 ft away when I shoved him off me. 

   "Up Uchiha. Unless you want help again?" I held out my hand half heartedly which made his eyes widen. He jumped up.

   "I'M FINE! That was nothing!" He put his hands on his hips and puffed up his chest.

   "Simply because you have nothing there~" I taunted smartly. He seemed to grow red, from embarrassment or anger? I don't know or care. I chuckled and took his arm. "Suck it up, let's go Uchiha." I waved goodbye at my new teammates and ran off with Obito in tow.

    When we got to the village I stopped abruptly. "Er...Obito?"

    "What is it?" He stopped himself from crashing into me. He stepped to the right so he was beside me.

   "Where's the Uchiha compound?" I saw him anime fall from the corner of my eye.

   "Eh?" I squatted down next to him. I poked him in the face and he exploded.

   "SERIOUSLY?!!? I THOUGHT YOU WERE SMART! THE UCHIHA COMPOUND IS SO BIG, HOW WOULD YOU MISS IT?!??!!...." His head got bigger as he waved his hands, his eyes turning into white circles. I fell back on my butt blinking at him. I stayed silent. He seemed to stop yelling after people were looking at him weird. He sighed and took my hand. This time he dragged me around.

   In a few minutes we stood in front of a huge japanese compound. But something seemed off about it to me. It smelled like blood and...when I looked at a blank white wall, it seemed as if...as if it was covered in blood.....blood....red.....blood.

   Could that have been, what I was remembering? The blood of my family and cousins? My friends? There was a banging in the back of my head, like my brain was trying to make connections to my past. 

I shook my head and straightened up as an ANBU jumped down next to me. The ANBU turned towards me, "You're wanted in the hokage's office." He did a quick sequence of hand signs and poofed out.

   I turned towards Obito. "Bye."

   He nodded and I turned. Jumping from, roof to roof until I went through the hokage's window and landed behind the Hokage's chair. There were immediately three kunais at my neck. I let out a breath and looked over to the ANBU guards. "Nice to know the Hokage has good protection." I nodded curtly, the kunais brushing against my now metallic skin. I looked at the Hokage. "Certainly I'm not a threat as I am only a kid, sir."

   I heard one of the ANBU huff, "Yeah right, Captain of an ANBU squad? Age doesn't matter in your case." He had hatred and venom etched into his words.

   "I suppose that was the wrong thing to say." I tried to look thoughful, which was hard, seeing as i had three kunais to my neck.

   I heard the Hokage chuckle under his breath before signaling his guards to put their weapons away. The metal I made to shield and cover my neck retracted as they retracted their kunais. He gestured to the empty space in front of him. I nodded and stood at the spot he indicated. "So how's life, Hokage-sama?"

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