Chapter Thirty-Two: Consume

Start from the beginning

"Bruciare supe terram-" I began the spell as I walk closer to see one of the cars the hunters use in my sights. "Faciendo ignis ga praemium," I thrust both my hands out to the car, and it exploded as flames roared from the vehicle, scaring every hunter in sight. They all began to retreat, I see Monroe enter a car as every hunter also ran to their own cars. "Bruciare supe terram-" I began the spell, but a rough hand grabbed my arm, stopping me from completing the spell.

"No Alice," Derek's manly voice echoed in my ears making me turn to face him. His touch sent tingles through my body, but I playd it cool. I turn to look at the cars driving away, feeling hopeless as I could have ended this, but killing people isn't right. Derek's hold on me loosen as he the blood of Deucalion entered my nostrils. I turn my gaze to see Deucalion lent against a pillar as Scott was crouching him in front of him. His breathing low, his heart slowing. I rush forward and came to the side of Scott, looking down at Deucalion.

"Let me heal you," I state strongly as I crouch and held my hands out to him. But before I could do anything he places his hand on me, lowering mine as he didn't want to be healed.

"We know you can't," he stammers out, as blood surrounded his lips. But I gave him a soft gaze, as he was right, I would have to get all the bullets out to heal him, but he didn't have enough time. His hand went onto Scott's as I stood back to my feet. "Gerard... What he fears most... He can't beat you," Deucalion's gaze drifted to Scott's as he was upset by this. "And he knows it," he smiles at the thought before his heat beat for the last time and his head dropped to the side, and his hand slid from Scott's.

"It's really started, hasn't it?" Malia spoke with fright in her voice as I turn around to face her.

"What's started?" Stiles spoke as he wasn't sure what was happening.

"It's an all-out war," Scott stood to his feet and turned to face the group. His eyes lingered on Derek but he walks forward and hugged him.

"As much as I enjoy the impromptu family reunion," Peter began as Scott and Derek finished hugging one another. "What are you doing here?" Peter's gaze was now on Derek.

"I found a pack slaughtered in Brazil. There were two words written in blood on a wall. 'Beacon Hills'," Derek explained the situation to us, his arms folded over his broad chest.

"You came back for Beacon Hills?" Scott said with surprise in his tone.

"No. Came back for you," Derek replies, but for a moment I thought he was going to say he came back for me as well. I noticed his gaze on me, we had some unresolved emotions to go through. Before anything could speak, radio static came into our ears, but it came from Stiles's jeep.

"Blood and destruction. Dreadful objects so familiar," Gerard's voice came over the radio, making us all rush over to Stiles's Jeep. "All pity choked with custom of fell deeds. Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge-" Gerard continued as Stiles got in at the drivers side and Scott got in at the passengers side. Derek, Malia and I stood with Scott as he left the door open. "With Ate by his side come hot from hell. Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice," Gerard's voice got lost as static came through the radio. "Do you know the rest, Scott? Do you know your Shakespeare?" Gerard asks him, but I knew the next line that was suppose to be. Scott holds the radio out to Derek, as he knew it as well.

"Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the dogs of war," Derek spoke, knowing his Shakespeare.

"War, indeed. Welcome back, Derek. You must all be feeling rather nostalgic. Are you pleased with the little family reunion. I've gathered around you, Scott?" Gerard's voice was annoying and we should have killed him when we had the chance.

"Yeah, well, why don't you come join us and I can thank you in person?" Scott shot back at him.

"I even have a few visitors for you, from London. Even someone like Jackson Whittemore. Couldn't resist coming back to Beacon Hills. Say hello, Jackson," Gerard spoke over the radio. But Jackson came back. Suddenly, I could screams and electricity through the radio.

"Do it again, old man. Come a little closer. I'm gonna shove that thing so far up your ass-"

"Lost none of his charm, has he?" Gerard states, as that would what Jackson would say and do. "You can find him here with us at the Armoury, Scott. In fact, I'm going to tell you where to find all of them... Your Deputy Hellhound met some friends of his while responding to a call at Eichen house," As Gerard spoke those words, my heart dropped, my face drained.

"Parrish," I spoke with unease in my tone, as the colour in my face faded.

"Your father was on his was back from San Francisco with the goal of entering the fight. But he didn't get far. You might want to tell your mother to skip her shift at the hospital tonight. Liam and his friends are there now. Optimistic of them, but woefully ill-advised... This is how you wage war, Scott. A strategic positioning of your army against theirs. Which is why you will come to me. You will try to save as many as you can and you might even save a few. But your limited resources will be spread thin. Ultimately you will fail," Gerard was trying to make us angry, and it was working. As Scott was squeezing the radio in his hand. "The dogs of war, Scott. They're coming for you," The radio became static as he finished speaking.

"I'm off to get Parrish, and then rip Gerard's cold unbeating heart from his chest," I roared at them, as I was more than pissed right now. I turn and began walking away.

"Alice! Alice, wait!" Scott shouts after me as he grabs my arm roughly to stop me from advancing. I spun around as Stiles got out of the jeep and every gathered around Scott. "You'll die if you go," he states with worry, but I didn't care at this point.

"If I die and take Gerard with me, I'll be glad," I retorted back ripping my arm from from his hold. "I've had enough of this Scott. I've had enough of hiding in the shadows, being hunted because they fear us," I rose my voice at him, but Stiles's jeep began to flash it's headlights on its own, the wind began pick up fast. I felt my eyes shift to their purple glowing tint. "It's us or them, that's how the world works. How it's always worked. It's either humans verses themselves or the supernatural!" My voice soared through the air as the wind picked fully, and flew through the air. A pain shot through my skull, making me place my hand on my forehead.

"Alice!" Derek's voice pierced through my ears, making me look up but held a hand out to him, to tell him not to come any closer.

"The power you're channelling its consuming you," Lydia shouts over the whirling winds.

"If I stop channelling the Nemeton, we lose our advantage over everything," I shout back as another pain shot through my skull. "I have to protect everyone. I have to protect my family," tears threatened my eyes.

"You can't protect us if you die," Malia's voice rang out from the crowd. I force my gaze to up look and removed my hand from my forehead. As they were right, if I carry on like this I will end up destroying myself, and taking everyone around me with them.

"Alice, listen to me," Derek began as he takes a step closer to me, but the winds that whirled around me were strong so he was fighting through it. "You don't need this extra power, because you're powerful on your own," Derek continued to walk closer to me, but within seconds he grabs me by the shoulders as he stares straight into my glowing eyes. "Stop this before it destroys you," his eyes full of worry for my safety, but he was right. I couldn't go on like this...

I hung my head low and felt the power from the Nemeton rush through me before I felt the disconnection to the power. I fall in Derek's arms as felt weak...

Power always comes with a price...

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