"Hi, Helen! It's been so long" you hugged her and she smiled at you.

"Oh you look beautiful," she said, looking at your face while you took off your sunglasses. "Are you on vacation?"

"I am yes, I'm here for a week" you walked with her to her desk. "I came to pick up Audrey"

"She should be here, let me che-" she started talking but was interrupted.

"Oh my god! You're here" Audrey screamed from across the hall. She ran to your encounter and hugged you. You caught and picked her up while the two of you screamed with excitement.

"I missed you so much," you said, putting her back on her feet.

"My god you look amazing," she said, looking you up and down. "What's with you?"

"Well, a lot happened," you said.

"Let me go change and we'll be out of here" she smiled at you and then left.

You stayed there, talking to Helen while she got off her scrubs.

"See you tomorrow, Helen!" Audrey said while the two of you walk out of the hospital.

"Have fun, sweethearts" she said.

You took Audrey to her favorite place for lunch, you couldn't wait to catch up and hear what she's been up to.

"So, tell me everything," you said when the two of you sat down.

"First, I got promoted" she smiled, with sparkles on her eyes.

"No way! Congratulations" you stood up to hug her.

"Thanks, I've been working my ass off and finally got to the place where I wanted," she said. "And... there's something else" she lifted an eyebrow.

"What?" You asked, curious.

"Remember Dr.Corry? That cute trauma surgeon?" She asked.

"Who could forget him? Of course, I remember" you smiled at her.

"Well, we are kind of a thing now" she blushed, looking at you.

"Oh god, really? For how long?" You smiled at her.

"We've been dating for two months now, and things are going pretty well" she smiled. Your food arrived.

"I'm so happy for you" you smiled at her.

"Enough about me" she sipped her water. "Tell me what's going on with you, you have this glow on your face. I know there's something"

Audrey has been your best friend since you were six years old, she was practically your sister and she knew everything about you, and vice versa.

"I have something to tell you, but you have to promise not to scream and to keep it low" you smiled at her.

"Shoot, before I die," she said, anxious on her seat.

"I'm dating Adam Driver" you whispered his name, looking at her.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD," she said, loud enough to the people in China could hear her. Everyone stared at you and you covered your blushed face.

"Sorry everybody" you excused yourself. "Keep it low I said" you looked at her.

She was staring at you, eyes open like a plate and smiling.

"Tell me absolutely everything," she said.

"It was instant attraction" you started talking. "We started spending more time together and with work, we were stuck with each other all day"

"And one day he kissed me and next thing I know it's been five months and we are together" you smiled at her.

"This is unbelievable" she smiled at you, shaking her head. "Wait, wasn't he married?" She asked, worried.

"He is, yes. But his getting divorced" you looked at her. "I'm not gonna lie to you, the first time we were together he was still with his wife" you looked down, remembering how bad that made you feel. "But after that, they got separated and now their divorce is almost done"

"Wow, this is just..." she looked at you, not blinking. "I've got to write a novel, this story is worthy of a movie"

You chuckled at her reaction. Lunch went by, Audrey bombards you with questions about your job and about you and Adam, she was so excited to meet him.

She was already getting nervous and anxious to meet him and still couldn't believe that her best friend was dating a superstar.

The two of you enjoyed a long lunch together, just chatting and catching up. You missed her so much, that you believed that a day wouldn't be enough to get enough of her.

After lunch, you bought the things to make dinner, you were going to cook pasta. Once you got everything, you went back to your apartment.

"It feels so good to be back," you said, entering your apartment and smelling the particular scent of it.

"I feel so lonely now that you're not here," Audrey said, placing the bags on the island table.

"I'll make some coffee," you said, placing down your purse and going to the coffee machine.

"I still can't believe your dating Adam fucking Driver," Audrey said to you.

"I know, I sometimes can't believe it either" you chuckled.

"So, are you in love with him?" She sat down after putting all the groceries away.

"I am yes. And I know it sounds silly, but I think I've been in love with him since the first day I met him" you blushed, preparing to cups.

"It's not silly at all" she smiled at you. "But it's so weird, I mean you never had a boyfriend before, you were so detached... and now look at you" you looked at her. "I mean your blushing for god sakes" you laughed at her words.

"I don't know, I guess it was meant to be," you said, giving her a cup with fresh coffee.

You two kept chatting. You told her about Aiden, and how great he's been to you, how a good friend he was, and how he would get along so good with her.

You also told her about every actor and how it was to work with them. She had a crush on Oscar Isaac, so you promised to send her a selfie once you got back.

You also told her about Ireland and how beautiful it was. She listened at everything you said, carefully and paying attention.

The two of you started cooking dinner.

"What should I wear?" She asked you, going back and forth her room with clothes in her hands. "Fuck, what if he doesn't like me? I've never met a famous person before"

"Relax" You chuckled. "He is just a normal person, like me and you" once you said that, you got a text from Adam. He was on his way. "He is on his way now," you said to Audrey.

"Oh god, I better hurry" she ran back to her room and you laughed at her.

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