"This is Ruben Crawford, the biggest investor of NYC and we have been privileged for he has been our investor since the initial stage of our company," Theodore said as I smiled at him.

"This is Mrs. Avery Clarke, our supplier of all the delicatessens for our Hotel." We shook hands as she gave me one of those fake pretentious smiles and I gave a robotic one as well.

"It's great meeting all of you." I smiled as a waiter came by with white wine. Theodore handed me a glass as he himself took one.

I muttered a small 'Thanks' in return and took a sip. It had a pungent for a fruity flavor. Great, now my both hands were full- one with wine and other with my clutch. Damn.

"It would be great if we get to know a bit about you as well." Said Avery Clarke.

Clearing my throat I began, "I am the founder of Child Care Centre. It came into being in 2014 and since then it has been working for the well being of orphan or underprivileged infants in terms of providing education, nourishment, and dignified life. Apart from that... we have a special team under the 'Rescue Department' who identifies the homeless and destitute and we facilitate their relocalization in appropriate institutions."

I explained in one of the best vocal traits I've learned at schools during debates and discussions, making eye contact with each and everyone, and using hand gestures. I recall when I looked at Theodore, he looked impressed and proud. I flick my face to get rid of a stray strand of hair.

"Oh, that might be a handful, no?"

"And time-consuming too."

Taking a sip, I continued, "But if it ensures any kind of aid towards the society then I think it's very ... um... very human and natural to do. And the government and the elite class of the society have always been supporting..." I trailed when I felt a hand move my chin towards him, as Theodore tucked the strand of hair behind my ear in a feathery touch. My eyes zoomed at the uncalled action.

I didn't know when I stopped breathing. He pulled back with a smile but when I realized that Theodore's hand was placed on the small of my back, rubbing gently, a long sigh escaped my mouth.

"We have a few more people to attend. See you all around. And it's a pleasure to have you here." Theodore concluded.

"Pleased to serve your acquaintance, Ms. Hargrave."

"Same here," I said as I was moving forward to our next destination. Who's next to know? I sighed internally. I am already tired.

"Now you are going to meet my college friends-"

"Okay," I said as I controlled a yawn. Then I muttered a quick 'sorry' half-heartedly. God! I wanted to sleep so badly.

We approached the bar as I saw ravishingly clothed men sitting gracefully, talking, and drinking. There was Christian too.

The first person with whom I locked eyes was wearing a maroon blazer and bow tie with black all over. He was very tall and lean with brown hair. A lazy smile stretched over his lips as I smiled too unconsciously as if we have been long lost friends. I felt him connect to me instantly.

"This is Adrian," Theodore introduced as our hands wrapped and Adrian also put his free hand on top of mine, smiling pleasantly.

"Cole, Jason, and the one flirting with the bartender is Blake."

Cole had a shorter height in comparison to others and he looked malnutrition. His hair was a thick curly mop of blond hair and the lateral sides were shaved.

Jason, on the other hand, had a box-shaped face, and almost no hair, just a few days' growths of blacks. But his entire face was covered in acne and pimples as a pair of glasses rested on his nose. But he had an air of richness surrounding him.

And Blake was a total model type, fairly young, tanned skin, muscular body, and killer dimples. You know, one of those playboys in high school? Exactly that one. He was wearing a white tux with a black shirt underneath.

"Ahh ... I wasn't flirting with the bartender, he's not my type! And yeah I am into girls ..." Blake spoke in a husky voice and when his eyes fell on me he smirked, "Blake Lawoshki at your services."

I took his hand for a shake but he rather pulled me toward him with a force. I regained my balance and looked at him with question marks all over my face. In return, he just winked and slid his hand over my shoulder, like we have been buddies since childhood. I heard Theodore grunt.

"Hey, beautiful!" He gave a lop-sided smile.

"Hello there," I smirked as a throaty voice came from behind my throat in a whisper. Theodore must be looking hilarious now, I just wanted to have a look but decided to resist later and forced my attention on the imbecile guy in front of me. Theodore scoffed and my smirk deepened.

"Looks like your wife is ready to run away with me. Am I wrong, Cara?" (Cara: dear one)

Before I could think what to reply, Theodore's callous hand pulled me and snaked his hand around my waist making my breath hitch due to sudden activity. I cast him a sharp look and then tried to shuffle without being noticed by others. I felt Theodore's gaze on my neck for a second, then two, three-

And then he dropped his hand and I exhaled through my nose.

"This isn't fair Theo, you always get the best things... " Blake whined animatedly making all of us chuckle at his kiddish behavior.

"That's not my fault." He scoffed making him more irritated.

"It's your fault, by the way. You should find me someone who's such a princess-like Aurellia or we could even share..." He said dreamily but we all ignored him. "Even Rosalie Kavanagh was... damn." Blake let out frustratedly.

"Your ex?" I dared to question. And he replied with a curt nod, not meeting my eyes. Oh.

"But she didn't come, did she? I haven't seen her around."

"Did Theo even invite her?"

"No," came Theodore's monotonous reply.


Hey guys!!



TATA !! ❤

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