19| Queen of Broken Hearts

Start from the beginning

It was hardly fair. She is designed at her most basic nature to lure in men with her depthless eyes and pretty, little pixie face. We are both slaves to that existence, both created to lure innocent men and women into a false sense of security and lust. Both of us just carefully designed monsters.

"I hope you're not thinking about wearing that little number all day because Lewis won't be able to keep his eyes off you." I rose an eyebrow at her before raising the mug up to my lips in order to hide my smile, "Or teeth for that matter."

"You're disgusting, you know that?" Her face was still scowling at me with a small pout. I opened my mouth to stop her, but she continued to talk, "You're going to get out of this room in five minutes and we're getting to work. If I'm going to do this job then I'm going to do it properly." She then proceeded to mutter into the top of her coffee 'lazy fucking vampire.'

Woah. I thought we had already clarified that I wasn't one of those love lustre, blood drinking fools. They couldn't even go outside in daylight, who the hell even made that ridiculous shit up?

"Would you please, for the love of God, be quiet?" Her mouth dropped open at my impertinent tone and I swore she nearly thought of continuing. However, before she could even mutter another word, I stepped forward and covered her mouth with my hand to ensure she would stop badgering me before 8am.

"You are going to let me sleep for another two hours." I told her with a hard look, "And then you are going to quit bothering me." Her eyebrows knitted together once I stopped talking and I realized I was still rather too close to her, covering her soft lips with the palm of my hand. She was clearly debating biting my hand as I watched her expression change from humorous to deadly in a split second.

Her half naked body and bare legs were only inches away from me and I could feel her warm breath hit my palm every time she breathed. I quickly stepped back, putting some much needed distance between us.


My canines were aching against my gums and all I could smell was the ridiculously sweet blood flowing beneath her tan skin, so inviting and yet untouchable. I knew she would enjoy it too, her addiction to all things dangerous and painful a perfect match for my hunger. After all, she was made to seduce me too, to seduce all creatures that unfortunately found themselves in her path.

"Have you got any other kidnapping techniques I should know about, or do you always just go straight for the gag and silence with your victims?" The glamour was back in her voice, making every word sound playful and tuned. I had to remind myself that I wasn't effected, although my dick reminded me that it felt differently. "Look, I'll try not to annoy you from now on-"

"You're annoying me right now." I ground out.

"Got it, no more annoying the boss." She threw up a sarcastic salute and narrowed her brows. "All hail Waverley!"

"Get. Out. Now."

"You know that whole Hitler thing was a joke right. I don't actually think you share any resemblances with the worst dictator to ever-" Eve seemed to realise the lack of patience behind my eyes and was quick to step backward, allowing me to slam the door closed and probably wake up the rest of the sleeping house in doing so. It was difficult to really give a shit.

I leaned back against the door and shut my eyes to rid the sight of her semi-naked body from my head, however, I was suddenly no longer in the mood for sleep and had something much better on my mind. Before I could head back to bed and force sleep upon myself, I heard the same feminine voice shout through the door.

"Good progress, we'll start work at 9am then?"

This girl was insufferable. I headed toward the ensuite bathroom for a freezing cold shower.

Deal with the Devil (18+)Where stories live. Discover now