Chapter 8: ...Begins with a Single Step

Start from the beginning

"Did you tell him?"

"No I didn't not, that is for you to tell him Simba, though I will accompany you if you'd like."

"We will tell him tonight, right now he needs his rest. And I need to figure out how to break the news, we should probably tell the rest of the lion guard as well."

"Zira, my old friend. It has been too long."

"You said it Scar, we have been training Kovu to kill Simba since the day he was born." She grins as Kovu steps forward.

"I'm ready to do my part, Simba and the Pride Lands won't be ready for me."

"Good, but if I remember hearing correctly, you have two more, where are they?"

"Nuka is here with us, although he's useless so don't worry about him, as for Vitani, well, she was kicked out of our pride. She said she didn't like how we were treating Nuka, and didn't like what we are doing with Kovu," Explained Zira.

"How...unfortunate, I've heard she was a fierce and deadly fighter. An unfortunate loss, but we will manage without her. Now, it's time to put the plan into motion. Janja and ReiRei, you two will drive the nearby herd of Zebra down the canyon where Makuu's float is sleeping for the dry season, waking them up, and make sure you drag the Lion Guard with you. While they do that, Zira, you and your pride will block the path that leads to Dhahabu's watering hole, make sure the path is really blocked so Kion can't just use the Roar and remove it. After that, all three of you and your groups will take over the main watering hole that most of the animals use to drink. This will create panic in the Pride Lands, but give the opportunity we need. Kovu, you will challenge Makuu to a Mashindano, tell him if he wins he can have the watering hole to himself, but if you win, he is under your rule. If he refuses, tell the other crocodiles they can have the watering hole to themselves if they pledge their allegiance to you. If you lose, just don't give them the watering hole until they pledge allegiance. Anyway you put it, we win.  With the crocodiles on our side,  we will then be able to set our sights on Simba and the Lion Guard."

"Um scar, what if Kion and the Lion Guard show up?" Ask Janja

"Good question Janja. Thanks to Ushari's spies, we know Kion is recovering from a fire that burned him pretty bad, so the Roar is out of the picture, which is why we must act fast. But even if Kion did show up, Ushari's venom would give him some... minor inconveniences when it comes to the Roar."

"And Scar, what about Ono? Won't he see Zira heading towards the path to Dhahabu's watering hole and stop her?" Says ReiRei.

"Ah, you may be right, good call. Ushari, send one of your spies out, have them find out where Ono sleeps, and when they do, tell the vultures to either capture...or kill him."

"Yes Scar, it will be done right away," says Ushari.

"As for you Kovu, Ushari's spies tell me Makuu is a good fighter, so I want you to spar with Kiburi. He knows all of Makuu's moves, which should give you an edge during the fight. You have two days to prepare."

"Yes Scar, I will begin right away." He quickly followed one of the skinks out of the Volcano.

"ReiRei, Janja. Prepare your groups and make sure they have the plan down, I don't want anyone messing up the plan. Like Kovu, you all have two days to prepare, same goes for the vultures and your pride Zira. They both nod and quickly as well, leaving Zira alone with Scar.

"Oh Zira, how I missed someone of your... competence. It will be nice to not have to worry about whether a mission will be completed or not. I know you and your Lions won't fail me. But that's not why I want to talk to you. Because a bakora staff that was used to bring me back in spirit form, I believe that there may be a way to bring back my physical form, as well as unlock new powers for me. Bring me your best Lion, we will send them to the tree of life to retrieve the rare fruit that grows on it, and have them bring it back here. I know the path, and I can give them the knowledge they need to infiltrate the Tree of Life. With the fruit, I should be able to return to my physical state, and like I said, I should have new powers." Both Lions begin to cackle, as the plan falls into motion.

Kion wakes up in the den on Pride Rock, he looks around and notices he's the only one in the den. He stretches and checks the sun. 'Still some daylight left' he thinks to himself. He decides to go for a quick walk, just to get his blood flowing. About half way through the walk, he heard the drag of paws across stone. He looks around and notices that he is right next to the Outlands, must've been lost in thought. As he peaks over the ledge, he sees an Outlands Lion slowly moving toward the Pride Lands. He makes his way down, ready to assert his dominance and turn the lion away. But when they get closer, he notices that the lion is actually a lioness, and he recognizes her mane anywhere.

"Vitani?" She doesn't reply, he gets suspicious and begins to move closer. As she leaves the shadows of the canyon, Kion can see her more clearly, he notices the hundreds of scratch and bite marks that litter her body. He can see the blood that stained her fur, and he can see her weak limp, as if every step could be her last step. She begins to lose conciseness right in front of him, as her eyes close her legs go limp. Kiok quickly rushes to her, and catches her before she hits the ground. He quickly stabilizes her on his shoulder before she barely gets out the words "Kion, help me," before completely passing. Doing his best to stay calm, he quickly puts her on his back, and decides that Rafiki's tree is his best option. As he's making his way to Rafiks, he begins to feel his injuries and his weakened state as they begin to take a toll on his energy. With Rafiki's tree in sight, Kion collapsed from exhaustion, completely out of breath. He can't feel his legs, and the heat from the dry season sun is not helping. It wasn't that Vitani was heavy, quite the opposite, it was he wasn't fully healed from the fire. He tries to get back up, but drops back to the ground again. He's beginning to give up hope, but he heard the shortness of Vitani's breath, and knew if she didn't get help, she wouldn't make it. It was do or die. He mustered all of his remaining strength, and pushed himself and Vitani off the ground, every step felt harder and then last. When he finally reaches Rafiki's , he calls out to Rafiki, who doesn't answer. He calls out again but with no response. He collapses again, completely out of hope. But before he passes out, he sees Makini and Rafiki come down from the tree, he's able to say "help her" before his world turns to black.

As his eyes open, it takes him a second to gain a train of thought. As his brain "restarts", he looks around and realizes he's in Rafiki's. All of a sudden, he remembers why he's there. "Vitani!" He shoots up but his legs instantly give out and he falls back to the ground. Makini runs over to him.

"Kion, lay down and relax, you over exerted yourself," she tried to explain but Kion wasn't listening.

"Where's Vitani? Is she ok? Is..." He was cut off by Makini's calm relaxing voice.

"Shwari Kion, she's right over there." He rolls over to see Vitani covered in healing Herbs and leaves. He
can hear that breathing has somewhat stabilized, making his own heart rate and breathing return to normal. He lays his head back on the makeshift bed as he easily drifts off into a heavy sleep.

Simba, the royal family and the Lion Guard all rush to Rafiki's tree.

"We came as soon as we could," Says Simba. "Is Kion ok,"

"Yes yes of course, but he is extremely exhausted. He strained his muscles as he carried someone to my tree. I do not see him walking for a few days, and suspect he may be out of action for a month or two now," explains Rafiki. The group is in shock and disbelief. Kiom, leader of the Lion Guard and fiercest in the Pride Lands, unable to defend the Pride Lands.

"Who was he carrying?" Ask Fuli.

"I think I heard the name Vitani, she's an Outlands lion, one of the banished. Now normally I would not help an Outlander, but because it was Kion who asked, I trust him, and she was in terrible condition, on the brink of death." Simba tried to enter the tree, but Rafiki stopped him. "Neither of them are in a position to speak, let them rest." Simba nods as he leaves with the Royal family and the Lion Guard escort. No one talked on the way home but everyone had the same question, "why would Kion help an outlander?"

(If you guys are enjoying, maybe hit the like
button? Like I said, I plan on 2 more books after this, and maybe a few other books like a Vitani and Kion book. I can also do some One Shots if you want. Either way this book if far from over, so I hope you enjoy.)

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