The Chronicles of Starlyn: Chapter 6

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A/N: So VERY dark chapter of Arria.... ahead of my word count though I didn't write a whole lot today when I forgot my journal at home.


Chapter 6:

By Craig A. Price Jr.

Arria sat rocking back and forth on a large pointed stone. All around her the dragon creatures worked. There were thousands of axes as weapons now. More than she thought she saw of the creatures. Yet they continued to work. She did not mind because the chances were that they would need them.

Something neared her though, and at first she wasn’t sure what it was. She ached all over with a blood thirst. After snapping a few of the creatures’ necks, and chopping a few more heads off – she felt the need to continue to kill. She hadn’t ever killed anybody or anything before, but now it was a craving of hers.

She couldn’t comprehend the feeling. It was as if her blood boiled with lust for killing, which was strange when her heart didn’t even beat anymore. She wasn’t sure why it felt so. Perhaps it was the changes the black magic bestowed upon her. It didn’t feel like magic, but a passion that was only skin deep until now. However she could feel magic flowing through her. It was magic that circulated through her instead of blood. Somehow she knew that if she fed the magic by killing – it would make her stronger.

Finally, she decided to ignore her consciousness of her past life. There was no reason to think about she would have done as an elf. That life was gone, replaced with one anew. She was undead now, and anything she desired she could take. No longer were there any rules, or someone ruling her. Now she was her own master, and could make her own rules.

Her decision was made to include a daily sacrifice to her routine. There were a few pages in her black book about sacrifices adding to the power of magic presented by the user. Arria liked the idea of having more power. She would only choose animals from the forest to sacrifice so not to upset too many of the creatures. However, once a moon she might be able to get away with sacrificing only one. There were plenty of ways to trick one of the thick skulled creatures to go somewhere with her alone.

She smiled as she looked up into the sky at twilight. A full moon lit up the horizon. It was a perfect time to begin the sacrifices with a dragon. She walked up to one of the creatures that had trouble creating handles without breaking them.

“Come with me. I am in need of assistance.”

“Yes missstresss.”

Her lips quivered in a smirk as she stalked out of camp with the creature trailing behind. The black cape at her back quivered in the breeze behind her. She wandered out into the lonely forest, barely being observed by the various creatures surrounding her. They didn’t seem to care or question her ability, or what she was planning on doing. She liked it this way, absolute secretary because all of them were scared of her. She made sure to put fear into each and every one of them every day.

When they reached the forest, she looked around until she came across a large stump between the midst of trees. Walking over quietly, she stopped at the stump and ushered the creature to step forward. It reacted without question; none of them would ever question her. She stared at it for a moment, observing its hard black scales. It fascinated her, how similar these were to the creatures in the history books - yet at the same time, so different. They did not have wings, nor could they breathe fire. In no way did they seem as smart as dragons in the tales she once read.

Yet the amount of these creatures was far beyond anything she could ever fathom. She only knew of a little, not the entire mass. So she was not entirely sure exactly how many there were.

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