Chapter 5

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⚠️TW// miscarriage⚠️
2 years later

Jack P.O.V

"From where I'm standing right now I can see the most beautiful girl in the audience" I said into the mic "I love her A LOT" I chuckled "so with that being said Rileigh come up here" she made her way up to the stage where I grabbed her hand and helped her up "so Rileigh as cheesy and cliche as this is I have something to say to you so just listen and as much as you love to interrupt me don't talk till I'm done" that made the crowd laugh "Rileigh Marie Laouer you have been my best friend since we were 8 years old I can't help but think that it was fate that you moved into the house next to my family the warm summer day in 2005 I still remember it like it was yesterday, we made our way through school together causing trouble and we started dating once we graduated and I wish I'd asked you out sooner because this has been the best two years of my life. Now I have an important question for you Rileigh"I said getting down on one knee "Will you marry me Rileigh?"

"Yes" she whispered "yes,yes,yes a thousand times yes Jack"

"Well everyone she said Yes" I shouted into the Mic "meet the soon-to-be Mrs. Rileigh Marie Metzger"

Later that night

"Jack I have something I need to talk to you about" She said walking out into the lounge area of the bus

"What is it baby?"

"In private" she giggled

We walked back to the back of the bus closing and locking the door behind us

"What did you want to talk about babygirl?"

"Instead of beating around the bush I'm just gonna say it we're gonna have a baby"

"Really Babygirl" I said excitedly

"Yes Jack really"

I picked her up and spun her around in my arms

"Oh my god I can't believe it we're gonna be parents" 

We we're so happy our entire life was falling into place that was until...

*1 month later*

"Jack" Rileigh walked into our bedroom tears streaming down her face I immediately shot up out of bed

"What what is it Babygirl?" I said worried

"I-I think I'm having a m-m-miscarriage" she stuttered more tears falling

"Oh my god we need to go to the hospital" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her to the garage in record time we made it to the hospital

*4 hours later*

"I regret to inform you Miss. Laouer you are in fact having a miscarriage" the doctor stated solemnly before walking out of the room once more

" Jack w-what if this is my fault?" She cried

"Babygirl this isn't your fault there's nothing you or I could've done to prevent this" I said pulling her into my arms "I love you so much I promise one day everything will be okay" I said stroking her hair as her head lay on my shoulder finally letting my own tears fall

*1 week later*

"Rileigh has done nothing but lay in bed for days now Adam I'm really getting worried"

"Jack she lost her baby she's grieving" Adam stated "I hate to say this Jack but she will probably never be the same Rileigh Laouer we've known since 2005 ever again"

"I know Adam but seeing her like this... it feels like someone had ripped my heart out and is just relentlessly stomping on it" I said letting go of the tears welling up in my eyes "I love her so much and I would give up anything for her to just feel ok again"

"I know J so would I shes like my baby sister and I would love for her to feel ok again but she's just gotta grieve"

"Jack?" I heard a tired voice say from the doorway

"Hey Adam I gotta go"

"Gotcha, love you little brother"

"Love you too" I said as I hung up

"Come here Babygirl" I said gesturing for her to come towards me she came over and sat on my lap laying her head on my shoulder "I love you" was all I said

"Jack I just want to feel ok again" she sighed

"I know baby so do I" I gently stroked her hair as me sat there in silence for what seemed like hours

*6 months later*

I came home today to find Rileigh gone and I don't just mean her I mean every trace of her ever being here gone

I called her phone 6 or 7 times and she didn't pick up I walked into the kitchen to find her engagement ring on the counter with a note that read..

" Jack,

I'm sorry that I have to do this but I need sometime to myself to think, I hate to leave you like this but we need to take a break. I love you, never forget that. This has nothing to do with you it's all on me.

Love Always,

It's almost like In that moment every bit of oxygen was knocked out of my lungs, I picked up my phone to call her once again, and once again I got her answering machine

"Rileigh please don't do this" I cried "I need you... I need you" I finally fell to my knees ending the phone call I was an absolute mess

"Jack?" I heard the voice of my older brothers somewhere else in the house I didn't say a word continuing to sit on the floor in despair "Jack?" I heard again from the kitchen doorway "what's wrong?" Ryan said sitting on the floor next to me I couldn't even form words I just pointed to the counter Ryan stood up reaching for the note... "Jack I am so sorry" he said as he finished reading it "rest assured it's Rileigh I'm sure she will be back soon" he couldn't be more wrong

I know it's been a long time since I've updated this and for that I apologize, I've been working two jobs on top of college and I just haven't had much time to write, with that being said I hope you enjoy this chapter let me know what you think.

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