Chapter 4

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*4 years later*

Jack P.O.V

"We are about to graduate high school Jack" She said probably shocked that we'd made it this far.

"I know" I said reaching up to adjust her cap given that it was a bit crooked

"Promise me we will stay friends" she said hugging me tightly

"I wouldn't want it any other way" I smiled

"Why don't you two just date already?" My friend Parker asked

"No" Rileigh and I said simultaneously

"Ri and I are just friends" I said waving off his comment like it mean nothing

"Yeah and you've been 'just friends' since second grade I bet by our ten year reunion you two are married" he said Jokingly

"Shut up Parker" I said punching his shoulder lightly and just like that everyone shut up when pomp & circumstance started playing which was our cue to begin walking into the crowded gymnasium once we'd all taken our seats the principal began speaking

"Today we are gathered here to celebrate to wondrous accomplishments of this group of young men and women. It may seem like just yesterday they were running around these halls as 6th graders, lost on their first day in a new school but today they are all grown up. We have faith in our students as the show compassion and kindness towards others and intelligence beyond belief so if you would please join me in a round of applause for the Class of 2015" the ceremony seemed to be over as quick as it had begun and just like that our high school days were over and our lives has begun.

"Hey Jack?" Rileigh asked

"Yes Ri?" I said turning to look at her

"Wanna go do something tonight?"

"Well I dunno what have you got in mind?"

"I don't know yet" she giggled

"How about we have a sleepover in the treehouse like old times?" I asked smiling hoping she'd say yes

"Let's do it" she smiled "I'll bring the sour patch kids"

"And I'll bring the Oreos" I said hugging her

*that night*

"Hey Loser come help me up" Rileigh said and like every other time we've come up to this treehouse for the last ten years I went over to the ladder and pulled her up

We sat around and talked and listened to music for about an hour or so before she suggested playing truth or dare

"Oh god" I chuckled

"What are there other things you'd rather do?" She asked

"Nope just remembering us playing this as kids" I laughed

"Jack Truth is dare?" I smiled at her childish grin

"Truth" I said plainly

"Aww you're not fun" she pouted

"My luck you'll come up with a dare that will leave me with broken bones cause you know I'll do it" I laughed knowing how reckless I can be

"Fine Truth..." she said contemplating it for a second before asking "what would you rather be doing right now?" She smirked she knows what I'm about to say I know she does I'm the most predictable person especially given the fact that she is just the female version of me...

"I'd rather be..." I though about it for a second looking between her eyes and her lips "Fuck it" I said before leaning in and kissing her after a few minutes she pulled away

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