Chapter 8

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*5 years later*
Jack P.O.V

"Evan!" Rileigh yelled "Dinner is done!"

"Coming mommy" our little boy yelled back As he came running into the kitchen "what's for dinner?"

"Your favourite!" Rileigh smiled down at our son who was currently hugging her legs

"PIZZA!" He yelled excitedly

"Not just any pizza" she smiled "Grammy's homemade pizza"

"Is Grammy coming over?" He asked smiling from ear to ear

"Yes bub" I smiled as he got even more excited

The doorbell rang and he took off running across the house yelling "Grammy's here Grammy's here" over and over again causing Rileigh to giggle

"Come on in mom" I yelled before pulling Rileigh into my arms kissing her slowly "I love you" I whispered against her lips

"I love you too, Metzger" she whispered back

Suddenly I heard my mom speak

"Aren't you two just the cutest?" She smiled from the door way "now get out of the kitchen so I can cook" she chuckled "oh and send Winter in here to help me"

"Evan!" I yelled, he likes to be called Evan but we all still call him Winter sometimes "come here, Grammy wants your help" He came running into the kitchen

"Well we will leave you two too it" Rileigh smiled

I walked over giving my mom a hug "thanks for watching him for a few days " I whispered in her ear before pulling away

"You're welcome" she whispered back

And with that Rileigh and I are on our way not too far just to a hotel for the weekend but it was just a little get away for the two of us...

*three days later*

"Mommy's home" I heard Evan yell as we pulled into the drive way dashing across the yard to the passenger side of the car "I love you mommy"

"Uh what about daddy" I pouted

"I love you too daddy" he smiled running over to hug me as I got out of the car "come look at what Grammy gave me" he smiled running across the yard  picking up a purple kickball

"That kickball looks awfully familiar" Rileigh smiled

"Mom is this the kickball that I hit Rileigh in the back of the head with 21 years ago?" I laughed picking it up

"Probably" she smiled "it was in the garage and I figured Winter would enjoy it"

*2 months later*

"Uhh Jack?" Rileigh said rounding the corner into our bedroom smiling ear to ear

"What's up Babygirl?" I said returning her smile

"I'm pregnant" she giggled

"Really!?" I jumped out of bed pulling her into my arms, we've been trying for another baby for almost 3 years now

"Yes really" she said tears streaming down her face I wiped the tears away with my thumbs before kissing her

"We're gonna be parents again" I said in disbelief

"I can't believe it" she sighed hugging me tight

"How should we tell Winter?" I smiled

"We will cross that bridge when we get to it"

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