"Thank you L-Lorelei for stopping me earlier", Jane mumbled quietly as she sat on the cold ground as her pony tailed blonde hair dances with the cold air and stared at the ground.

" its nothing really",Lorelei answered after a while smiling at Jane who immediately looked away after staring at the ground.

"How'd you know I would be here in the first place?",Jane asked curiously at the brunette.

" I just got a feeling in the pit if my stomach that something's gonna happen and I needed a walk outside when I found you walking then I followed you here ",Lorelei answered casually like its no biggie and it made Jane laughed for the first time. A genuine one and it made Lorelei smiled.

" You laugh for the first time",Lorelei pointed out and expected the blonde the deny but she didn't.

"Yeah thanks to you",Jane answered her with a smile but immediately faded when she thought of something.

" Aren't you scared that I'm an assassin?",Jane asked out of the blue which made Lorelei caught of guard. She noticed the blonde now frowning and it also made her frown.

"I guess, why would I be here with you in the first place and followed you", Lorelei answered with a smile and it made Jane smile at the thought that Lorelei wasn't scared of her being an assassin, after all, she killed people mercilessly even their scam to society.

They were filled again by silence but a comfortable one.

Jane felt her phone vibrated against her pocket saying the chopper is almost her and about her transferring forms.

" Hey Lorelei ",Jane mumbled quietly almost like a whisper. Lorelei cocked her head to the side to listen at the blonde.

"I-Im transferring tomorrow", Jane stuttered at her sentence. It was not really not necessary for her to say it but she felt like she needed the brunette to know in an unknown reason which she wants to discover.

Lorelei looked intently at the blonde who stayed quite who her gazed on the ground zoning a bit before she replied a small 'hmm' at the electric blue eyed beauty. It was not her decision to dictate in the first place after all.

They saw a chopper closing at them and land at the big H near them as the cold air embraced them once again in waves. Jane saw Cole on the pilot of the chopper and smiled at her then looked at Lorelei who immediately checked her out and it angered Jane a bit for some unknown reason but she love it.

Jane walked towards the chopper but stop to halt when Lorelei didn't followed and just stood there.

"You coming or what", Jane asked but it came out more than a statement with a smile.

Lorelei raised at the now smiley blonde in front of her as a smile crept into her pink lips and nodded before following the blonde girl.

" Guess what, you had your revenge finally",Lorelei smiled at her.

"Yeah, but kept Jane Herstein a secret"


"Hey Tay what's gonna be the activity today? Is it gonna do with sports?", I asked as I looked at her expectantly. She looked at me for a while before bursting into laughters. I looked back at her confused.

" No no, its nothing got to do with sports, just watched later, its all in the chairman's hands",she answered winking at me after her little laughter which caused me to roll my eyes jokingly at her.

"Let's go everyone must be waiting on us on the lobby", I exclaimed opening the door and was greeted by the beaming Tori and Laura outside our room. I heard Tay mumbled about something sarcastic.

" Oh talking about the two little girls, here they are already ",Tay commented behind me sarcastically which caused the both to rolled their eyes at her.

We settled after a while and headed down the lobby. We meet the annoyed looking Tyler talking after his friends left and we apologized at him lamely. I even saw Tanya glaring at me like always with her group of friends not far away from us and all I did was just sighed at her and her menacing glare. Well she said she don't hate me so its better than being hated.

We talked for a while when I felt someone tap me form behind. I felt the presence familiar and resemble to the electric blue eyed beauty and turned around to be greeted indeed by her calm yet sparkling eyes than ever but what caught me off guard was when she leaned and kissed me at the cheeks.

My friends gasped of shocks and my eyes bulge out of their sockets at what she did. She looked unfazed and kissed my other left cheeks and her soft red lips lingered their longer for a while unlike the other one.

"J—Astrid?! ", I gasped at her as I can felt my cheeks tint with red sightly.

" Hey Lori ",she greeted her gazed still on mine with a sweet smile on her red lips.

" I thought you left?",I asked disbelief. She said last night she'll transfer today so why is she her on her uniform. Did she change her mind? She just smiled at me with before enveloping me into a tight hug.

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