"I think Lorelei is tired so you might wanna walk on your own feet now Esclafoun", Laura hissed as she smiled fakely at Tori who just growled at her.

" Now now, don't be jealous now McKellar ",Tori sneered at Laura who cringed at the named but immediately facade it by an annoyed face but then blushed after contemplating the words that left Tori's mouth.

The two started to bickered at each other as Lorelei just sighed at the two.

Taylor walked towards the three while stifling a laugh while Tyler followed her eating a chip and munching hungrily in his mouth.

" Okay now people, Lorelei's just one person and you need to served her mother first ",Taylor teased the two girl as she patted Lorelei's back who grinned amusedly at her at Taylor's mother thingy that goes and on this recent week.

Tori ignored her and went back into smuggling at Lorelei neck while Laura clung into Lorelei's left arm tightly and it made Lorelei caught of guard and Tori growled loudly.

"What are you doing?! Get your arms off Lorelei", Tori glared at Laura who looked unfazed and ignored her as she clung more tightly into Lorelei's arm.

Lorelei sighed again for the second time at the two. Oh boy.


Tanya growled and glared at the group of students not far away from them. Her eyes almost come out of their sockets when she saw Tori and Laura now so closed at Lorelei. She doesn't know why her eyes were at Lorelei every time and her blood would boiled at the sight right now. She obliviously liked the gray eyes beauty but she will never admit it even to herself.

Tanya's eyes never left the group and rolled her eyes at the two girl who bickered at each other and her brows furrowed at Lorelei when she just sighed and did nothing.

She gritted her teeth and her eyes darkened and her group already felt it and stayed quite not to be in Tanya's dark side. It won't be very casual.

Tanya shakes her head and grab a grab a glass of water from the near waiter with a tray and emptied it immediately in a record time. The group just irked her more as she heard laughters erupted not far away from them.

The students chattering died down and their attentions went towards the big stage infront. There stood the academy's chairman, Addison Prescott wearing her usual black suit attire paired with black high heels making her more taller than ever and with her usual sadistic smirk.

"Its a pleasant evening to be here in front of the academy's seniors'. And likewise the yearly profound activity we'll be staying here for another two days and three nights, please do enjoy your stay at this five star hotel, that's that. Goodnight everyone", as said Addison walked out of the staff through the backstage before grabbing a red wine from the placed table.

She swirled the red liquid inside and sips half of the wine as her  iPhone vibrated inside her pocket. Addison slowly grab the mechanical device and looked at one of the recent messages she got.

'I heard your in one of your family's building. I made my way there and already made reservation for the two of us at 8. I missed you want to see you so badly babe'

- Miles :} :)

Addison smiled to herself as she put her phone back into her pocket and sips her red wine slowly and killing some time till her pleasure later.


Jane immediately walked away saying goodbye to 'Astrid's' friend after the chairman spoken her short-short message for them all.

When Naivety Turns To Love(GxG)Where stories live. Discover now