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Jimin watched as Jeongguk went through his clothes attempting to find something appropriate to wear. Jeongguk shuffled through the closet, looking for some attractive yet simple. His bare bottom staring Jimin in the face.

"Can you at least put on a pair of briefs? I don't want to see your ass jiggling in my face.", Jimin spoke up. Jeongguk picked out a pair of whitewashed jeans and stepped towards the mirror.  

"Sorry Jim, commando tonight.", Jeongguk started to rummage through the drawers for a suitable shirt. 

Jeongguk had a rule. If he intends to have sex then he won't wear any underwear. A rule that never sat well with Jimin. Jimin just felt like Jeongguk just hated clothing. 

"Why don't you just a wear condom and go?", Jimin remarked sarcastically, picking at his chipping nail polish. Jeongguk had a habit of painting Jimin's nails and it didn't bother him. It was like stress relief to Jeongguk. During exam season, Jimin's nails were quite the sight. 

Jeongguk eventually picked out a swamp green colour t-shirt. He finally put his outfit together, the clothes gliding over his body. He looked good, he looked like any other frat boy with a good sense of fashion.

Racing through the streets, Jeongguk began to read out the directions to the house where the party was. Seeing as they were running late thanks to Jeongguk, Jimin accelerated. Jeongguk gripped onto Jimin waist tighter, fingers nails digging into the leather jacket. That's just how fast Jimin drove. It was exhilarating.

Arriving at the place, they saw Yeri standing by the door. Jeongguk got off and started walking towards her whilst Jimin rode off to find parking.

"Ugh, I thought you weren't gonna show. So shots or sex?", she let out, hauling him into the kitchen.

"Woah there, slow down. It's gonna take me a few drinks before I get hard with that.", Jeongguk remarked. Yeri was wearing a turtle neck and knee-length skirt which wasn't the most enticing choice of clothing. "Not a lot of people for a party."

"Can't help it my cousin's coming over to stay in a few hours. This is my last party for a while now. I won't have time to get dressed after and fewer people means less cleanup.", she explained pouring him a few shots. He downed the drinks, the liquid burning in his throat.

Jeongguk concluded he shouldn't waste time on drinks and just get it over with, this wasn't much of a 'go crazy' party. Jeongguk was a straight to the point guy, who didn't waste his time on pointless small talk and flirting. He walked over to Yeri. "Let's get out of here yeah?"

They both knew why they were here and what they wanted. It wasn't rocket science. It was a hookup.  

She dragged them up to what seemed like her bedroom. "Don't touch the shirt, it wrinkles easily." "Sure."

After a couple of hours of mindless fucking, Jeongguk fell flat against the mattress. In the end, Yeri did have to clean up whilst Jeongguk just put his pants back on. 

"Holy fuck, dude." "Nice to fuck you, too." 

"There won't be a second time though. I'm planning on getting a girlfriend." "Call me if you guys break up."

Yeri suggested that Jeongguk could get a few drinks and then leave. He decided to text Jimin, who apparently wouldn't be coming home that night. He walked back into the kitchen to waste his time before he took a cab home.

He leaned his elbows against the counter, muscles relaxing as he the alcohol set in. People weren't drunk out of their minds. Most were just having a casual conversation and some had left after finding a one night stand.

He started thinking about what he was doing to himself. Mindless hookups, drunk nights were getting old but that's all he had.

Who gives a shit anyway?

Jeongguk didn't notice his handing pouring in more vodka and his mouth gulping it down. It was just happening because there was nothing else to happen. 

"Fuck.", he was drunk.

He felt his cheeks burning, and his balance falling. He tried to make his way out of the kitchen but failed to do so as he fell faint onto the floor. His skin hitting the cold floor. 


His eyes opened to a ceiling he was familiar with but one he knew he wasn't supposed to be under. He got up and looked around, this was similar to the room he and Yeri hooked up in but much less furnished. 

Just as he was about to look around for his phone he heard the door creak open, "Your phones on charging. You were dead drunk so that's why you're here." 

Jeongguk nodded, connecting the dots. One thing confused him, why would Yeri let him stay over? Sure, they were on decent terms but they'd only known each other for a day. Normally if he was in such a situation with another girl, he would expect her to dump him on the streets or ring someone from the contacts he had on his phone.

"Why the hospitality?", he questioned. "Remember the cousin I talked about? He came over when I was dragging you onto the couch. For some reason, he gives a fuck about you and took care of you.", Yeri explained. "I was just gonna leave you the couch but since you're a fucking giant, my bro carried you here."

Carried? What the fuck?

Yeri handed him a bowl, the steam dancing above it. "He made this for you. I have no idea why but he's an old fart so maybe he's just too nice."

Jeongguk began to drink the liquid slowly, it tasted good. Exceptionally good to anyone with a terrible hangover. 

The warm liquid soothed his throat and headache. He wasn't the most energised and didn't really want to deal with anything. But one thing he had one his mind was the circumstances that landed him in this bed. It didn't make any sense to him. He wondered if he must've known this person but he knew barely anyone in this city. 

Jeongguk was now even more confused, why would a stranger care about him so much?

Or was he even a stranger? 

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