Chapter 22

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"So, what have do you think about it?" Rom asks as the pass the file to the men in the room.

"Well the stat looks good, guess the kids are more mature than we thought, their power levels are really good" Enzo points are

"Yes, but that is what scares me. Some of them are really young, look at your own son Rom. We will have to see their power level at the most extreme so we know what triggers their button for future reference" Dante points out to them as he finishes reading the report

"But they are too young it can heavily damage their senses" Enzo speaks out

"Either we do it now or wait, but as we all know what happened to Gio in Ana's care, he didn't knew what triggered his powers and he couldn't seem to control it...

Instead of making them suppress it we need to show them a way to let it go be out and out so they know what they are and not freak out or feel like they are guilty if something went wrong...

If we stop them now their senses will be the last thing that will be damaged, they have too many powers within them like a fucking ticking bomb and I would like to know how to defuse them before we all get blown up" Dante reason as he looks at each one of them

"So, what do you want us to do?" Ad raises his brow

"First and foremost a medical check physical and mental both for that I have already decided Matt to be the in charge of the kids from now on, he will be responsible for their medical shit and he can choose anyone to assist him...

For their training well no need to say Ad, you are pretty much capable of handling it. Everyone is attending the school of their education isn't that much of a problem, so any questions?" Dante asks looking at the men in the room

"Um...Mr. Dante" one of the council members raises his hand

"Yes, Sammy" Dante rolls his eyes

"It's Samuel, Mr. Dante" he corrects Dante

"Do I look like I give a fuck Sammy? Now out with your question" Dante sighs getting up from his seat

"I was thinking"

"The fuck he can think, in all these decades Sammy you actually have brains?" Dante fakes shock making the guy blush

"Dante for fuck's sake" Rom groans before asking Samuel to speak

"Well, as I was saying why don't we...." Once again he is interrupted

"Rain" Scar barges in the room where the meeting is held

"Scar" Ad gets up from his seat before moving to her side

"What happened?" he asks as he looks at his wife amused who is all but muddy

"Tony, he refuses to come back, he made me run all around the ground. Please tell him he has to come back home...

He even stinks" she whines clutching the front of his shirt

"Love, I think after running around you even you stink. Come on, let's go and shower" he smiles as he wipes the smudge off her cheek

"Hold the fuck on, we are in the middle of a fucking meeting. Red, you can't just barge on in like that, Sammy here was going to say what he think for the first time...

Ad for the fuck's sake you are the Alpha of the pack, show some respect and hospitality to us, first sight of his wife and he goes dangling his cock towards her" Dante shouts throwing his hands up in the air

"I'm sorry" Scar pouts looking at the men in the room who smiles at her before glaring at Dante

"The fuck you all are glaring at, Ad back in the meeting man. Fuck your wife after we all leave" he calls Ad who grudgingly kisses her wife forehead and whispers her to go on without him for shower before taking his seat

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