Chapter 15

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Scar helps Alice to clean the house while the boys go to do some grocery shopping. They both start with the living rooms and after finishing it they end up cleaning the kitchen.

Ask suggests they take a break and while she makes some thing to eat Scar roams the house to check it out.

They have asked her to choose one room for herself and whichever she likes she can have it so without any hesitation she roams in the house. Opening doors after doors all she sees is covered furniture and junks with white sheets.

Scar coughs when the dust fills her lungs as she uncovers one of the sheets to see what it has hidden. She smiles seeing it's a box just like one in Ad's home.

She tries to open it but seeing the heavy locks changes her mind. She looks around the room and keeps removing the sheets one by one all she finds in the room are drawers and boxes all locked.

Wiping her hands on her dress she goes to get out of the room when he eyes befalls on the closet which doesn't have a lock. Slowly she makes her way to it and open up to step back as things inside it falls on the ground.

Picking up the clothes she tucks it in the closet locking before once again her eyes lands on something picking up she finds a whole set of keys.

Curious what the boxes and drawers holds Scar goes to open it. Pulling the box a bit she kneels down and tries the keys inside after putting few keys in finally she succeeds to find the real one.

She unlocks the box and opens it to find nothing but clothes inside it, pulling out the dress one by one Scar feels nervous. She gulps as she also finds a teddy wolf in the box. Taking the wolf out she checks it out to find its one ear missing.

"Hey, what are you doing with my teddy?"

Scar jerks away facing at the door as a girl wearing a white frock stands there.

"No one touches my teddy with my permission, give it back" she scolds Scar

Handing the girl the teddy Scar stands up from floor.

"Who are you?" Scar asks the girl who takes the teddy from her and brushes the teddy's head

"I'm Scarlet, who are you?" the girl asks

"I'm Scarlet as well" Scar replies suddenly feeling hard to breathe

"Ho...nice to meet you Scar, follow me I have something to show you" the girl orders before running out of the room

Scar shivers trying to make sense of who was the girl with the same name as her but try as she might she can't move as if something has held her on the place. Feeling her knees go weak Scar drops on the floor.

She heaves heavily trying to catch her breathe as her whole body shakes badly.

"Al...Al..." she tries to call someone but can't

Gasping for air Scar lies on the ground as the room spins before she looses her consciousness.


The next time Scar opens her eyes she finds a worried Alex hovering above her.

"Alex, give her some space" Cherry sighs but Alex ignores him

"Scar, please tell me you are alive, don't just blink your eyes, talk please say something. You are alive, right?" he asks stroking her hands

"I'm fine Alex" Scar smiles as she tries to get up

"No, don't move, did you hit your head or something. You scared us so much when we saw you on the ground for a second I thought you fall asleep in that room but when I called you, you didn't answered...

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